We left off last week with half the table versus Meeka. Anybody else think Meeka looks like a sock puppet?? Oh ok...anyway, Tami, Evelyn, Jen, hell everybody are all trying to tell this fool that nobody at this dinner table is her friend. But of course, she's doing so much talking she can't hear what the other ladies are saying. Thus, she missed the memo once again. And in true BBB fashion, when in doubt, trash Royce. Meeka solicits the wise musings of the lovely Jennifer Williams to inquire about whether or not she really has friends in the "circle". Jen confirmed. Yeah, no Meeka. You don't.
Over the next few days, Tami goes on about Meeka to the point that Meeka actually stopped showing up for social gatherings. Gotta love that Tami! She wrote the book on drama and driving others away...i.e. MTV's The Real World and, um, her husband.
The ladies fronted Suzie briefly about whether or not she's been playing informant to Royce in regards to the trip. She denied it of course...and if she didn't look pathetic enough, she read her texts from Royce aloud to ensure that she was telling the truth. Here's the thing, Suzie: You are real REAL grown. If you text message Umbutu, King of the Sick Dicks, that is your business and you ain't gotta answer to nobody but your maker about who, what, where, and when you do anything (with). Stop checking with these hoes about what you do...that is my assessment. The level of lame just really makes me ill, y'all.
Meanwhile, as if there wasn't enough drama to go around, enter Evelyn with her new set of foolishness. She called a conference meeting with Shaunie (head BBB) and Tami (1st Drama cadet) to discuss a recent interview her "best friend" Jen did in Cleveland recently. If you watched the show, you know that we heard about 2 mins of conversation between Jen and some radio DJ who asked about Ev and Chad Ochocinco's relationship. More specifically, she asked if Jen had a problem with him being an athlete and dating her friend. Jen responded by calling Ocho a "media whore" and asked if Evelyn wanted to get out of one bad "situation" for another one. Now, I'm trying to figure out where in there Jen said anything false. And how did Evelyn conclude that Jen ain't sh!t and that she is not a good friend? I've never cared for either one of them, but on this one you can call me Team Jen. Every season Evelyn has shown she is the one who isn't a good friend. She is your best friend until she ain't. Then, she is your worst enemy and will spend all her free time trying to figure out ways to make sure you know she's your enemy. You will find yourself spending the exact amount of time you did telling her your personal business wishing you had never met. Jen has been cosigning on these shenanigans for some time. So, it's funny to see the tables turn on her. Now she can see firsthand what it's like to be on the other end of Evelyn's antics. The only difference between Jen and any other chick is that she cares. We don't. I would blow Evelyn the deuces before she could say "You's a non-muthaf****** factor, bitch".
The same ones who conferred with Evelyn and practically sicked her on Jen like a dog to an intruder are the same ones coddling Jen and trying to make Evelyn take it all back. Epic fail!! Shaunie and Tami are trouble and mess rolled up in a ball. These women are so high school. Climbing through windows and sh!t?! What in the entire f***?? You are too grown to be climbing walls over this.
Next week, we get to see Tami's next victim...or was that Evelyn....or Meeka?? Who was that fighting in the preview, anyway? You weigh in. 'Til next time, Bloves!
xoxo, Christina Rose
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