
The Confused and the Convicted

In my opinion, this week's "Mob Wives" showed us why we actually watch the show: for the mob-related drama!

We started off by learning that Junior has no idea when his court dates are, lied to Renee's face about loving her, and made promises to try to make that doomed relationship work. Was I the only person who gagged?!

Then, we found out that Big Ang is a convicted felon. Her best friends snitched on her! Ha! With all these snitches, I'm shocked she was sitting with Ramona and Karen saying how great the old days were. On top of that, I think I'm mostly shocked by the fact that I'm starting to like Big Ang! She makes me laugh every single time she's on the screen! LOL! She's pretty decent when it comes to being the peacemaker, too. Bottom line: Big Ang is this season's comic relief by far.

Later, we see Carla and Joe. JOE IS FINE AS HELL!!!!!! She couldn't wait on him?!!? And then he's a gentleman! He's not an asshole like that Lee-atard Drita was with. I hope they reconcile because maybe he'll make Carla's life more interesting since it's beyond a snoozer right now!

Finally, the Junior mystery. Honestly, Renee shouldn't have shed a tear for him. If a man would rather turn himself in and not inform you or his son, he's a piece of shit. What more proof is there? And furthermore, why was she without food?! This show should at least put SOME food on her table.

Also, when she found out that she couldn't be told what jail Junior was being held at, she should have known something was up. They are obligated to tell you what jail the person is being held at, but not the prison they are being taken to. BIG DIFFERENCE!!! That should have let Renee know something was up. Also, her dad being picked up on the same night had "JUNIOR IS A SNITCH" all over it! The police came for her dad, but Junior went freely. Didn't Renee think the cops would have been at her house for Junior too?! Then, the nut that she is, Renee said she wished she had died and A.J. could have been taken care of by her parents. WHAT PARENTS? The father she has in prison? The mom who is probably worse off than her? That statement sickened me.

Oh, well! Can't wait for Sunday....

We're in for a "BIG, BIG BANG"! LOL!

Until then....

(Photo source: http://www.inquisitr.com/wp-content/2012/03/renee-graziano-breakdown-video-mob-wives-season-2.jpg)

R4R Update: Holy Heart Attack, Batman!!!

Hey R4R readers!! As you know, our Christina Rose covers all things Basketball Wives. Tami Roman, a 2 season vet of the show, suffered a mild heart attack a couple of days ago. We waited for confirmation, but, alas, it's true. Fortunately, Ms. Roman survived the infarction and is being taken care of. To get more information, click here.... http://wonderwall.msn.com/tv/tami-roman-from-basketball-wives-is-recovering-after-a-mild-heart-attack-1673859.story?ocid=answw11 . Stay tuned for updates on all your fave celebrealities and their shows.

Reality 4 Real

(Photo Source: http://wonderwall.msn.com/tv/tami-roman-from-basketball-wives-is-recovering-after-a-mild-heart-attack-1673859.story?ocid=answw11)


Reality Update

Atlanta is about to get a little hotter. Kim Zolciak Biermann of Real Housewives of Atlanta fame is preggers AGAIN. She and hubby Kroy ain't wasted no time since their November 11th wedding. KJ (the couple's first child together) better get ready to be a big brother to what we hope is a baby bro. I mean can you imagine Kroy's face on a girl?! Yeesh. Welp, congratulations Kim & Kroy! May your shameless attempts to remain relevant and hiding the fact that neither of you got Big Papa money continue to bless your lives! 

Click the link below if you want more details.



Clink, B*tch, Clink!

So, bleeples, I missed last week's installment of Basketball Wives. But, it looks like I didn't miss too much. Therefore, it's on to the next one. Shall we....

For the life of me, I cannot understand why Kenya or Kesha are even factors on this show...especially Kenya. This heffa is two cubbies short of a bookshelf. That video she shot last week to launch her solo career was shameful, just shameful. What's worse? She actually thinks she's got talent. The way reality tv is headed she might be able to win American Idol....but that about it. This week she ain't on much accept that horrible, self-promoting toast she made at Shaunie's birthday celebration (we will discuss momentarily).

Kesha decided to take Royce & Suzie on a tour down home in North Cacky Lacky. They took the 5 minute tour in Kesha's mom/aunt's pickup truck. Yep, you read that right. She explained the whole family tree and tried to make us think that a cousin marrying another cousin ISN'T incest. Oh ok. She also continued to express her unhappiness with Tami's semi-racist comments about Kesha being of mixed descent. Ms. Kesha made a case to Judge Royce who ruled Tami out of order and agreed to speak to Tami on Kesha's behalf. Yeah, that went extremely well. Overall, the trip went well with Suzie completely judging Kesha's folks and Royce feeling all turched at Kesha's upbringing. She ain't got no daddy, yawl!!!

Back in Miami, Jen is getting alot of airtime. Seems all the ladies wanted to meet with Jen for one reason or another. This season the BWs are expressing that Jen has a new attitude. She is less available to them, calls them less, and just ain't who she used to be. I say more power to her. These hoes gave less than one crap about Jen before she picked up this new attitude. I wonder why. Overall, everyone seems to get along with Jen (new attitude and all) except for Evelyn of course. This bish is still bitter. She will remain bitter until a baller marries her....and even then, she ain't gonna be effing with nobody. She needs to learn many lessons. Ochocinco will teach her....starting with chlamydia.

Shaunie's birthday was in full effect. She had all the ladies here drinking to their hearts' content. This is never a good idea with this crowd, but what can ya do, right? Many toasts were made by all the kiss ass golddiggers present at the party. However, for me, Tami stole the show once again with that moment she had with Thuzie. Suze decided to thank Shaunie for her contributions to these ladies' bank accounts...This went over just fine until Suzie mentioned food stamps to Tami. Then, she spent the rest of the night apologizing about it. Meanwhile, Tami tried to calculate how long it would take her to shimmy down the table and kick Suzie's over comfortable little ass. I secretly hoped she had. Alas.

Lastly, Evelyn's rebuttle toast (in response to Jen's) resulted in a harsh word exchange. Evelyn's line, "you ain't 'bout dis life, Jen". My question is "what life?" The life in which you share your jobless athlete fianchee with strippers, prostitutes, and fellow golddiggers? Or the life in which you have to fake fight women where ever you go? Oh oh, the life where you can't keep any friends? If that's the life of which she speaks, I can see why Jen might pass. Plus, here's a secret boys and girls, Evelyn's bark is way bigger than her bite. Point blank. And can we discuss this book deal with Baby (from Cash Money Records) real quick? Evelyn can't even conjugate verbs. Baby Birdman or whatever can't either. He has stars tatted on top of his head. I can't take that and book publishing seriously. I'll stop talking about him now for fear that lil' Wayne will choke me with his purple skinny jeans. Ok bye.

Next week, the ladies read Kenya. This is an episode I definitely won't miss. 'Til then...

xoxo, Christina Rose


Spectacles and Very Old Testicles

Hey, Bloves! Hope all is well....which is the total opposite of everything going on in Atlanta with these housewives....

I'll begin with NeNe who has legal matters to pursue these days with her son, Bryson. As you all know the "rich" housewife's offspring has come down with a case of sticky fingaz. He was held at the county jail for stealing a set of razors from the WalMart. Don't even get me started. I ain't never met a rich person who steals hygienic items. Greg, NeNe's estranged hubby, showed up to give a good talking-to to Bryce. I'm sure that will defintely save him from another trip over to county. *Side eyes*

In other news, Cynthia and Peter are still balling on a budget. This go-round they've planned a million-dollar anniversary party on a $20 budget. Peter hired planners, limo drivers, etc. Oh, and get this....the party is black tie. Blech. Then, Papa smurf's rude ass decided to shun Cynthia's sister, Mal, from taking part in the fabulous limo ride. But, I believe in karma, and it rang true because the limo never even showed. You could see Peter's carotid artery as he yelled at the limo driver when he admitted he was not coming. That's what Peter's slumming behind gets. And Cynthia for cosigning.

The party didn't go well to boot. Too many things happened. Kandi showed up in a club dress with Lady Gaga shoulders. Marlo showed up with another one of her old, white sugar daddies. NeNe flashed her goodies all in front of Petey and his friends. Sheree snitched on Marlo to Miss Lawrence for calling gays the "F" word. They even had to step aside to have this conversation. So, I have a couple questions. Maybe you can help. Who is Miss Lawrence? Why is he so important that Marlo has to explain herself? Why is Sheree suddenly a tape recorder liable to repeat anything you say past 2 syllables? Is Andy Cohen threatening to boot her from the show like he did Lisa and DeShawn? (I bet you don't even remember DeShawn Snow, do ya?) I'll wait for your answers to these burning questions.

All in all, Peter (not Mal) is the one who made a spectacle of that party. Although, Cynthia would tell another story. Mal was right to storm out after Peter called her a hater and embarrassed her in front of an entire crowd. I'd be willing to bet this party's budget that Cynthia and Peter won't make another year, and she'll be wishing she woulda just let Leon have it.

'Til next time.....

xoxo, Christina Rose


Battle of the Basketball B****es!!

Hey, Bleeples. It was another dull week on Basketball Wives. I think Shaunie's run out of messy golddiggers to exploit or losing her control of her mess-ometer. These tricks got me bored. What about you? Might as well delve into it....here goes.

Evelyn's sister is a blast of realness that this show really needed. I know her sis ain't a castmember, but its nice to know the basketball hoes actually live in the real world with the rest of us and our problems. Sistergirl is going through something for real. Her husband is suffering from cancer and has to have 'round the clock care. Since Evelyn likes her brother-in-law, she is taking this news hard. She did something nice for someone else. Mine eyes have never seen anything like this. She treated her sis and daughter to a nice spa day. In other news, her marriage to Chad Ochosinkhole is yet looming. Stay tuned for that. I'm holding my breath in anticipation.

Last we saw Royce, she was getting a role in some low-budget, rinky-dink school play. Now, her busy agent racked her up a charity gig. Royce decided to use her celebrity to promote bone marrow and cord blood donation among African-Americans. Noble. I rather enjoyed watching Royce act like she was accepting an academy award for hosting this event. She cried and errything. However, I coulda done without Thuzie (Suzie) who is looking more and more like Mariah Carey's younger, slow-developed sister. She came in and made a bee line for the bar, got smashed, and talked loudly at the event. What an embarrassment. Last week, she was fronting Kenya about acting inappropriately at age 35, but Thuzie acts the same damn way. Pot please don't act like you ain't never met kettle. It is not attractive.

Shaunie and Tami are still playing the counselor role, but I have a feeling we'll have the old Tami back in no time flat. She agreed (begrudgingly) to assist Kenya in her music ventures by introducing the future music star to her glam squad. This went over extremely well. Kenya showed up late....with her hair in shambles....and a quilt-like jacket.....hotel radio/cd player....portfolio pics on disk....and red lipstick on. Tami expressed her disdain for Kenya's professionalism, but she still proceeded to audition Kenya. She asked Kenya to play her single. She couldn't get her ghetto radio to play. She asked Kenya to perform a dance routine. She said her jacket would not allow for her Beyonce-like moves. Those were the highlights. It went downhill from there. Two words. I can't.

Kenya and Kesha tried to drudge up some drama this week. At Kenya's dance auditions, Kesha and Royce showed up to serve as judges and moral support. Kenya made a little Oscar speech expressing that even though Kesha doesn't support her dreams and called Kenya a failure that she was glad they were still able to come together and audition dancers for this wack-tastic video she's about the create. She, then, thanked everyone (BUT Kesha) for their support. Kesha got extremely pissed and complained about the whole rest of the episode. The highlight of the whole show was the conversation held between those two and Evelyn, Tami, and Shaunie.

Hopefully someone gets slapped next week cuz I'm barely holding on here....Mayday, mayday....'til next time...

xoxo, Christina Rose


No Trespassing on the Grass!


We began this show with that ladies of Atlanta leaving South Africa. Marlo was acting like a ghetto queen, as usual. I don't care how rich you are, you can pack your own luggage!! She and NeNe are so ghetto and not used to anything that they have forgotten how to care about others. I mean, the woman packing their luggage had a brace on her arm! WHAT?!!?!? Where they do that at?! I'm convinced that when the hotel employees were singing as the RHOA ladies left, they were signing songs of joy because they no longer had to deal with them.

Back in Atlanta, we found that Cynthia was more than happy to be away from Peter because she didn't even buy him a souvenir. LMAO!! That's okay because we know all Peter wanted her to come back with was her debit card.

As for Kim and how she yells at Sweetie, that shit needs to be stopped. Like ASAP!! How can she not see how that would be offensive to a Black woman living in the South?! I don't care how PC she tries to be, she's still a dumbass! I know plenty of non-racist people who still see something wrong with a white woman speaking that way to a Black woman. It's just not a good look. PERIOD! And she works for you, too?!? All people need to say to Kim is, "Well, I'sa sorry, Ms. Scarlet. We's not puttin up wit yo shit no mo'!" LMAO! Plus, the rented house. She made us think she was buying that house. That's what saying "I'm moving into my dream home" means, right? Apparently, not in Kim's world. She's a poser and broke as hell since Big Poppa left her. I'm over her.

And Sheree must be sipping stupid juice because I know she can't possibly believe she is Kim's true friend. She was yanking the woman's wig 2 years ago!! Plus, she was supposed to be close with Kandi! I think Sheree is mad and bitter that she is broke, so she's just lashing out at everyone in her path. Kandi is a much better person than me because I would have told her to sit her raggedy, Big Bob chasin' ass down! That woman is a warning to all women striving to be gold-diggers: The money will leave because no one can play professional sports for longer that 12 years, and many don't even make it to that many years. So, the women who chase that life and those men will definitely end up like Sheree Whitfield, ass out and tons of dollars short!!

Finally, the Black baby drama. I'm with Kandi 100% because I can't see Kim doing charity work, either. HER WIG WOULD FALL OFF!!! Nothing about Kim says, "I do manual labor to help the less fortunate." As for if she would a Black baby, sure. I believe she would. However, she would have to be around Black people to do that, and we see that she doesn't know Black people unless they work for her, are on this show, or if she's renting from them. Not the type of relationships that would make someone want you to hold their children.

And Sheree must be near eviction because she was lobbying for Team Kim like she was trying to get a room in that woman's RENTED house. LMAO!

I won't talk about Bryson and NeNe until he takes a shower and she admits that she's not rich. That's my way of protesting their shananigans.

Until next time....

(Photo source: http://www.realitywanted.com/images/upload/housewives/Episode_2.jpg)


Bitches and Snitches!...But Drita, Where Are The Stitches (we'll wait)?!

If you're like me, then you thoroughly enjoyed last night's "Mob Wives" for two reasons: We now know that Junior is the world's scariest thug, and we see that Carla truly shares some organs or something with Drita since she never leaves her side. I would say she shared a brain with Drita, but well all know that the scarecrow (Carla) went to Oz (Drita's homeland) for that. So, it's safe to say Carla's on the journey to finding a brain. And look at her go! Golf with Karen?? Well, I do declare! *clutches pearls* LOL! I see Carla wanting to hang out with Karen, Renee, and Ramona more soon because Drita only wants to carry Carla around as proof that she has a friend. They never look like they're having fun! And let's talk about how BRAINLESSLY LOYAL Carla is to stay at Drita's party that consisted of 15 people. Ummm....aren't you on TV? You couldn't hire some posers to show up, Drita?! LMAO! Wow!

As usual, Junior and Renee were arguing while Junior gives us his standard "I don't like this woman!" face. Their argument was a disaster! Renee looked trailer park drunk (and the tiger shirt just added to that), while Junior looked like he was staring in space. I am so over them that THEY SHOULD BE OVER JUST HOW OVER I AM, AND THEY DON'T KNOW ME!!! I can't even say "Get a divorce!" because they did that! I can't say "Make up your minds!" because they don't have those. I'm all out of insults. Literally, the trailer park one was my last bullet. No mob pun intended.

Ramona. I kinda like her. She seems honest. I can see how she thinks Drita getting an Italian last name might have made her feel like Don Corleone, especially since Drita is the phantom ass-whipper. The only person who has heard of her fights is Big Ang. Now, if she were a big deal, they would discuss her all the time. She seems to just discuss herself. I'm a little over Drita. She needs to put up or shut up. I was not around Staten Island in the 80s, so show me what you can do. I'm sure everyone was a lot better at stuff they did years ago. Maybe she's lost her ass-beating ability. Hmmm...no. Entertained that thought, it didn't do it for me.

Back to Ramona....her party was not that cool, but it was better than Drita's. The cop at the party was a true gift from the comedy heavens. LOL! As for Karen, she must have been drunk because that guy she was talking to was not cute.

And finally, Big Ang. This woman (I'm gonna refer to her as that for this post since we've met her son. Hey, I'm not a total bitch.) is comic genius!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way she rolls her eyes and speaks makes me feel so delighted! I'm like a 3 year old watching Big Bird! I think when I see Big Ang, what I feel must be similar to what kids feel when they see a real-life (costume) Dora the Explorer. LMFAO!!! Anyway, she gets a laugh and a thumbs up from me!

Until next week.....

(Photo source: http://blog.vh1.com/files/2012/02/DritaAsBigAng-1329337102.jpg)


Love, Hip Hop, & Baby Bottles!!!

Hey Bleeps! I just dropped in to share with you the baby news. Not only are Kimbella & Chrissy expecting, Yandy is about 5 months along to a bundle of joy as well! She & Chrissy have been at each other's throats since at least the latter part of Love & Hip Hop season 2. The competition never ends for these two; not even where giving birth is concerned. Well, you know how I am. Let the Games begin!! Congratulations to all 3 of the ladies. Let's see how many of these babies end up with daddies out of the deal. Ok, 'til next time....

xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: http://globalgrind.com/entertainment/yandy-love-hip-hop-pregnant-photos)


Hot Mess of the Week: Victoria Gotti!

When Victoria Gotti announced she was going to be on "Celebrity Apprentice", we all thought it was going to be epic! Instead, she turned out to be a huge diva and disappointment. She didn't even fight with Teresa, which is what she never answered questions about prior to the show airing. Instead, she fought with one of the most UNFUNNY, irrelevant women on the planet: Lisa Lampanelli. Then, in the boardroom, she got fired because Lampanelli was able to successfully throw her under the bus. Damn, Vicki! We had such high hopes for the drama you would bring....but you didn't. So, you're a complete, utter hot mess!

(Photo source: http://www.popcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Lindsay-Lohan-As-Victoria-Gotti.jpg)