Evelyn's sister is a blast of realness that this show really needed. I know her sis ain't a castmember, but its nice to know the basketball hoes actually live in the real world with the rest of us and our problems. Sistergirl is going through something for real. Her husband is suffering from cancer and has to have 'round the clock care. Since Evelyn likes her brother-in-law, she is taking this news hard. She did something nice for someone else. Mine eyes have never seen anything like this. She treated her sis and daughter to a nice spa day. In other news, her marriage to Chad Ochosinkhole is yet looming. Stay tuned for that. I'm holding my breath in anticipation.
Last we saw Royce, she was getting a role in some low-budget, rinky-dink school play. Now, her busy agent racked her up a charity gig. Royce decided to use her celebrity to promote bone marrow and cord blood donation among African-Americans. Noble. I rather enjoyed watching Royce act like she was accepting an academy award for hosting this event. She cried and errything. However, I coulda done without Thuzie (Suzie) who is looking more and more like Mariah Carey's younger, slow-developed sister. She came in and made a bee line for the bar, got smashed, and talked loudly at the event. What an embarrassment. Last week, she was fronting Kenya about acting inappropriately at age 35, but Thuzie acts the same damn way. Pot please don't act like you ain't never met kettle. It is not attractive.
Shaunie and Tami are still playing the counselor role, but I have a feeling we'll have the old Tami back in no time flat. She agreed (begrudgingly) to assist Kenya in her music ventures by introducing the future music star to her glam squad. This went over extremely well. Kenya showed up late....with her hair in shambles....and a quilt-like jacket.....hotel radio/cd player....portfolio pics on disk....and red lipstick on. Tami expressed her disdain for Kenya's professionalism, but she still proceeded to audition Kenya. She asked Kenya to play her single. She couldn't get her ghetto radio to play. She asked Kenya to perform a dance routine. She said her jacket would not allow for her Beyonce-like moves. Those were the highlights. It went downhill from there. Two words. I can't.
Kenya and Kesha tried to drudge up some drama this week. At Kenya's dance auditions, Kesha and Royce showed up to serve as judges and moral support. Kenya made a little Oscar speech expressing that even though Kesha doesn't support her dreams and called Kenya a failure that she was glad they were still able to come together and audition dancers for this wack-tastic video she's about the create. She, then, thanked everyone (BUT Kesha) for their support. Kesha got extremely pissed and complained about the whole rest of the episode. The highlight of the whole show was the conversation held between those two and Evelyn, Tami, and Shaunie.
Hopefully someone gets slapped next week cuz I'm barely holding on here....Mayday, mayday....'til next time...
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source:http://www.vibe.com/post/basketball-wives-recap-giving-back-honesty-mean-girls-129149)
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