
Hookah and Wine....Not always a good time!

This episode of "Real Housewives of New Jersey" was full of d-r-a-m-a that really shed some light on the Gorga/Giudice family feud. In my opinion, it seems like Joe Giudice is just an asshole (are you shocked??), and Teresa's brother is a career victim (again, are you shocked??). I can't believe Joe Gorga went to his sister's book signing just to tell her to control her husband! Then, he made it look good, too, by buying ten of her books! WTF!! Don't look like a groupie. She's your sister! Joe Giudice is right in saying that her brother is probably doing this because he wants to look good. Oh, and Joe Gorga said, "Look good for who?" Yeah, he said that into the camera. Yeah, as if we aren't watching him. Yeah, like we're also dumb. In other words, WE got played! LOL!

The other events of this episode are irrelevant. Ashley got her act together with Lauren's makeup t-shirts. Teresa showed how materialistic she truly is when she snubbed her nose at Jacqueline's $55 dress. Honestly, I wanted to slap Teresa for that! I commend Jacqueline for being frugal with her money! Teresa, take out a pen and pad because living like Jacqueline is the only way you can rebound from your situation. Just a tip! And did anyone catch how Joe revealed that he once dumped Teresa but took her back because he's a "nice guy"? HAHAHAHAHA! For the life of me, I don't know what she sees in that man!

There are two things I would like to address though: the inauthentic nature of the cast members' "businesses" and the statements they make that are too stupid and revealing to be real. First, we see Chris has a new PR business of some sort, and Albie and Chris Manzo are his employees. One problem: that shit looks like a front! LMFAO! It's a room in a family member's former home, and there is a "Microsoft Word-made" sign posted on the back wall. Do I think this business is suspicious? YES!! If I wanted to fake having a business, I think the first think I would do is make it look legit for the cameras. THE MANZO FAMILY JUST DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! Second, when Joe Gorga was telling Melissa about the text messages he received from Joe Giudice (which demanded that he not go to Teresa's book signing just to make himself look good), Melissa said Giudice believes "the working man is a sucker." Is that a line from the movie "A Bronx Tale"? YES!!! Do I believe Melissa was trying to make a statement about how Joe Giudice makes his money? DEFINITELY!!! It's funny how that information came from the wife of the man who treated Albert Manzo like Don Corleone when he came to his home! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!


By the way, loved seeing Rosie at Richie's party and finding out how those idiots think hookah is weed. LOL!

I'm also taking bets on how many gallons of wine Joe Giudice drinks a day!! He cracked a tooth this episode, so it's all downhill from here...in reality TV world and for us, that just means it's more to talk about! LOL!

See you Sunday, fellow TV junkies!! : )

(Photo source: http://s.mcstatic.com/thumb/6939455/19356543/4/videos/2/1/the_real_housewives_of_new_jersey_t_but_no_a_season_3.jpg?v=8)

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