Well, here we go....
The first episode of the Punta trip was boring, in my opinion. It seemed as if everyone was too timid to actually be interesting. As usual, Caroline found a reason to bitch and blame it on some fictitious illness she was suffering from at the time. *eye roll* If you ask me, Caroline is completely transparent. I saw this drama between Caroline, Jacqueline, and Teresa brewing because "First Season Caroline" couldn't get enough of Teresa. I mean, she loved Teresa's uncanny ability to make everything about her outfits and accessories. The Caroline of this season couldn't care less about Teresa! Caroline is a very fickle person. I'm very tired of her thinking that she and her family are better than everyone else. She treats Teresa and her family members like "that annoying bunch" now. It's sad, but I'm not shocked considering how much she wants the whole show to be about how well her overly underqualified children are doing in all of their family-sponsored endeavors. Caroline, get over yourself. We all know Teresa is annoying, but so is your fam!! Take a break from standing on your pedestal.
As for Melissa, when did the world decide she was so hot?!?! That long ass chin is not a good look when it's added to the mountains of Dolce & Gabbana she covers herself in. I'm also tired of Joe Gorga acting like a sex fiend. It's not cute. I'm willing to bet when Melissa was preggo, he was screwing anything with legs. Oh, but Melissa would never tell us that because she knows we're waiting on her to fall or breaking her fight down, or whatever the fuck the lyrics to that hideous song of hers are.
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy. I'm so glad you had a moment during these past two shows where you weren't vomit-worthy. That Teresa fight actually made Kathy seem like one of the group. I still don't like her, but now I remember her as being a part of the show.
Now, as for Jacqueline, I feel sorry for her. I like her a lot, and I feel like she's always trying to help those who clearly do not want to help themselves. I have no other explanation other than that as to why she would still be taking up for Teresa at this point in the show. I was totally on her side when she was wondering why in the hell the Manzo boys and Greg would think it was a good idea to get Kathy, Teresa, and Melissa to participate in a "Punta Princess" contest they made up. At that point, I started to really dislike the Manzo boys. They are funny, but don't stir the pot then act like you did nothing (which is totally what they would have done). And Greg?? OMG! Can someone shut this "Kim G with a Penis" up?!?! He's stirring up so much shit between Teresa and Melissa! One minute, he's telling Melissa how perfect she is and that she looks better than Teresa. The next minute, he's telling Teresa he loves how she and Joe are siblings. WTF?!?! Greg is an untrustworthy queen, and I'm not amused! Shut up, Greg. When you get a vagina, we'll care what you think. I'm glad Teresa called him out in her blog for Bravo this week! Good call on that one, Tre! LOL
As for the long-awaited "On Display" performance, it was as HORRIBLE as I'd imagined it would be. Melissa is in her 30s and wanting to be like Britney Spears in the days of the snake. Britney was in her early 20s and had 3 albums under her belt at that time. Melissa has never sung on anything other than that coffee table her dad filmed her on. I think Melissa needs to realize she's not a singer, and even if she could be, she'd still be a rookie being outdone by Gaga and Beyonce. PLUS, THE BITCH CAN'T SING!!!! I was laughing at how she shamelessly lip-synched that whole performance!! IT SUCKED! At least Joe Giudice congratulated her on her performance. *shrug* But seriously, Melissa needs to stop this fake praying! Maybe someone can start a petition to ask Pope Benedict to beg her to cease with all the fake religious behavior. LOL!
Oh, and the Kathy-Teresa reconciliation wasn't believable at all. They're both self-centered, so I don't think there will be peace.
BTW, ROSIE WAS AT PERFORMANCE/LAUNCH PARTY!!!! Just had to state the obvious because Rosie is always good comic relief! LOL!
Since Sunday is the season finale, I wonder what we'll be left to ponder about until season 4....I also would love to know who Caroline is going to control on the reunion show since Jacqueline wasn't there. LOL
Gotta go, guys! See YOUS on Sunday!!
(Photo source: http://media.nj.com/entertainment_impact_tv/photo/real-housewives-of-new-jersey-recap-teresa-giudicejpg-e204eaff61f5d69c.jpg)
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