Well....our time with the ladies of "Real Housewives of New Jersey" has come to an end. : (
But if this second part of the reunion taught me anything it's that Bravo better be prepared to pay Teresa more money because she is BRINGING THEM VIEWERS LIKE MAD!!! Actually, Teresa has been the star all along. I still believe her table-flip is the main reason all of them are still relevant! Teresa just BROUGHT IT! She was calling everyone out, making herself look dumbER, and making us laugh in the process. AMAZING!!
First, Caroline needs to stop thinking Teresa is the reason for her losing a relationship with Dina. Dina denied it on her own blog (which can be found on her website), and if someone can break into Caroline's "made of steel" family then they need to check their locks! Seems to me that if someone can break a relationship you have with a sibling, your family isn't "thick as thieves" like she claimed during season one. And what's up with Caroline talking about Teresa's behavior?! Last I checked, Emily Post wouldn't find it too classy to throw someone out of another person's house regardless of whether it was warranted! LMAO! Caroline is a huge joke. And bish, that "apartment" upstairs sounds like somewhere Albert would hold the meetings of the five families. ROTFLMAO!!! Who is so tired they can't drive 8 miles home to their WIFE and CHILDREN?!
AND SCREW ASHLEY AND JACQUELINE! I liked Jacqueline before, but she can kick rocks now! Why are they still talking about her on the reunion when she refused to come?? And why is Jacqueline all over Twitter commenting on the reunion show?? If you didn't wanna be there, don't discuss it at all!!
And Melissa needs to stop acting like her face is a pool of calm! "Teresa, you're turning evil. Look at me. I'm your family." BITCH! You're family, but only when you wanna be! Melissa didn't give a damn about being family when she signed up to do this show. All she saw was another way to compete with Teresa and showcase her SHITEOUS singing (if that's what you wanna call it) abilities. Frankly, looking at Melissa makes me sick, so I know it was hard for Teresa. And by the way, Melissa's forehead is hella big! HOLY CRAP! LMFAO!!! I was like "Why would she let that thing get shiny?" ROTFLMAO!
But Teresa needed to stop lying and yelling for attention when they were talking about Victoria. Whether or not you were at the hospital is irrelevant, Tre. LOL! That really looked like one of those uncomfy beauty pageant moments when the girl says she wants world peace or to end world hunger. I just wanted her to stop trying to make that her moment. The whole show was already hers. LOL!
Now, as for the men, I will admit that I find something suspicious about the fact that Joe Gorga is saying Joe Giudice has been ABUSING him for 9 nine years. WHAT?! How is a grown man letting another grown man abuse him?? LMAO! That is the wimpiest statement of the century! And Melissa is proud to have a husband who is gladly pronouncing that he's getting abused by another man! LMAO! GTFOH! They better fight and buy each other a beer! Yes, I condone caveman behavior over that abuse/victim shit Gorga is pulling! : D
Oh, and didn't you just love how Teresa called everyone "bad" every 5 minutes?? LMFAO! I mean, they were just sitting taking all of these insults. Also, I believe Melissa only gets guts when she's near Caroline. I dare anyone to tell me that if she were next to Kathy she wouldn't have been thinking about how Teresa charged at Danielle last season! LMAO! Melissa, it's okay to be scurrrred! HAHAHAHA!
THE PRICELESS MOMENT OF THE NIGHT THOUGH: TERESA SAYING JOE WASN'T CALLING MELISSA A RACCOON FACE...HE WAS REALLY TALKING ABOUT KATHY!!!! ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!! REALLLY?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? I saw her standing there looking like a damn raccoon, so I know Joe did too! He said what I was thinking as I was watching my TV! Kathy was nowhere in sight! ROTFLMAO!!!! Oh, Tre, we love you and your lies! : D
And when did Melissa get so mature?? SHE'S NOT! This is the same woman who instigated the christening fight! If she had not said "Why are you saying it now?" Her abuse victim of a husband would not have started banging on tables to start that brawl! And I'm just shocked Melissa pays someone to style her, but she still looks like Gianni Versace's vomit! UGH!
Plus, Joe being engaged two times before Melissa is suspicious. His family can't run off that many women. Those women were just tired of Joe playing with their dresses and bras! ROTFLMAO!!
The Gia discussion: I feel bad about that because truthfully, Teresa should have said "No, Gia" when she heard the song was dedicated to her and her brother. What else could it have been about?! But I feel that if they don't want Teresa talking about their kids, they shouldn't mention hers. That Gia song should have been something that was glazed over. You know, kinda like Albert's apartment. LMAO!
Bottom line: I believe these women are jealous of Teresa. I saw on Wendy Williams that Teresa is supposed to be coming out with a makeup line, an alcoholic beverage (like Bethenny's SkinnyGirl Margarita) called a Fabulini, and she's going to be on "Celebrity Apprentice". Now, I ask you, would we wanna see any of the other women do those things? And could they?? I don't want to see what Caroline's makeup line would look like because she can't even do her hair. I don't want Kathy's desserts because she doesn't know how to keep her foods at the correct temperature. That goddess party food was cold as ice by the time the women got there! I would have taken my ass home! Get it together, Kathy! LMAO!!
Anyway, I'm out! I've enjoyed blogging about RHONJ with you guys! I'll still be here for Real Housewives of HOTlanta!! Those are my girls!!
See you in the South, peaches!!
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