
Grieving Thieving

Hey blovies!! What a week, what a week?! It's been a little crazy over here in Christina World, but never fear and update on Basketball Bullies is here!!

The last two week's of BBW have been crazy! I'll just dive right in to the train wreck that is Tami. She is now blaming Kesha for her anger management. Every week there's a new reason for Tami to run crying to her anger management counselor. This week Tami took it overboard. The ladies took a trip to Tahiti to enjoy some fun in the sun. That quickly shifted when Tami attacked Kesha over drinks. Her issue? Kesha expressing to Evelyn that she was offended  when Tami said she didn't "look black". Keep in mind, that conversation was in the first 2 episodes of the season. Tami already cursed Kesha out about this. Now, she's doing it again. Tami is the bully of all bullies. She's surrounded by individuals who are terrified of her and allow her to act crazy like this. During the argument, Tami proceeded to take Kesha's purse. She wouldn't return it until Kesha apologized. My question is, "For What?!". Kesha didn't start this.

Needless to say, Kesha ran from the situation and avoided Tami's crazy ass like the plague. I can't blame her. Everybody knows Kesha can't fight. Tami is picking on a weak person because she's got no one else to pick on. Kesha eventually attempted to report the purse theft to the front desk when Suzie intercepted. I find that comical because, according to Tami, Suzie is the one who reported all the alleged ish Kesha talked about Tami behind her back. Ugh, that funny talking, funny looking, lispy little wasp! She never goes away.

In other news, Evelyn and Shaunie sat idly by while all this bullying went on. I expect that from Ev, but Shaunie? I expected more. She is the producer of this show. Aren't y'all like 40 years old? Stealing people's bags is tired...tired. I can't even deal. Evelyn, Suzie, and Tami teamed up to leave dead fish in Kenya's room. Don't get me wrong, I hate Kenya. But, that's tired too. OMG. These women.

The level of disgust I have with this show right now is evident. How? My twitter account was totally suspended after I clowned Tami up one side and down the other. Guess I was feeling passionately. Didn't realize how much until my timeline stopped short. One phrase: LOL. If it ain't up soon, twitter can just count me out. I get spammed like every day, but let me get a lil' tweet happy and I'm outta there.

Kesha got her purse back and went back to the mainland. Tami ate her own foot. Jen and Kenya showed up. More on that next week.

Feel like commenting? Go ahead. You can do it anonymously! See y'all next week!! 'Til next time.

xoxo, Christina Rose

(Photo Source: http://msfefe.com/)
(Photo Source: http://poponthepop.com/2012/05/basketball-wives-recap-the-wives-go-to-tahiti/)

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