
Dirty Rumors and Looks, and Let's Not Forget the Mob Books!

I love these ladies!  Just had to say that.  They never fail to provide us with a strong dose of dramaaaaa!!!! *Big Ang voice* LOL!

Here we go!

 I think Renee should not be trusting Carla.  Last week, Carla sat with Drita, Big Ang, and a bunch of nail technicians they didn't know and proceeded to crucify Renee!  Now, Carla wants to be a good friend and make things right with Renee?  She did this crap last season!  Carla is so extra and unnecessary.  I think someone should replace her for season three.  

As for Ramona losing her jewelry to the Feds, I can understand why she's upset.  BUT who keeps $200,000 worth of jewelry in a duffle bag? Also, she can't make me believe that she didn't know her boyfriend was doing something illegal, so she should just consider this the downside of that life.  

Karen's book event last night was great!  I thought it was great that her brother was there to show his support.  I also thought it was shady how Drita didn't show up. The fact that this book makes Drita lose it makes me believe Karen's story more and more.  When people mention Karen's book, Drita acts like what she is: a bad friend who jumped on another friend's man as soon as she was out of sight.  Why else would the book bother her?  I hope something juicy and negative comes out about Drita.  Maybe she'll throw a right hook at that because we see she wasn't stupid enough to actually try to box somebody. LMAO!!

Oh, and Junior exited Renee's life and this show better than any lady or queen could.  He is bringing down the Mob house, y'all!  All of those arrests because of him?!?!  DAMN!!  Well, a woman scorned.....LMFAOOOOOOO!!!!!  : D

And, as usual, I must end this post by stating that I adore the hot mess that is named Big Ang.  That woman is one of the funniest people on TV!  LMAO!! I will definitely be watching and blogging about her spinoff (Oh yeah, she's getting one!) when it airs!

Until next time....

(Photo source: http://vh1.mtvnimages.com/sitewide/promoimages/shows/m/mob_wives_2/promo/214b/610x360.jpg?height=289&width=490&quality=0.9)

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