Hi, Blogosphere! Christina Rose here....finally back from the island my life excommunicated me to. Over the last couple weeks, the final episodes of Love and Hip Hop Season 2 has aired. They've even aired what was supposed to be the reunion show aptly named "Reality Check". These hip hop queens are so crazy they couldn't even sit in the same room with one another...and some couldn't even talk with the show's producer, Mona Scott Young. Well, there's no time like the present so let's get it...
Somaya showed up towards the end of this season only to be seen gooning with Kimbella and dressing in costume as the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz. According to Mrs. Mona, Somaya was just too boring this year. She didn't give them anything to film. She expressed her unhappiness to Mona calling the show rude for telling her they'd be filming her and didn't. She whined and cried about how they missed some date she went on....IDK about you guys, but I'm with Mona....snoozefest. How many losers have we seen Somaya date in the last year? Her thirsty ass gives it out like its a 2 for 1 special. Miss me with that. Shoutout to Mona and the crew for sparing us. Somaya is on her way back to LA now to pursue this music career she swears she's gonna have. Meanwhile, LAHH is headed to Atlanta. Guess we're done with old girl...
Teairra Mari disappeared. Homie didn't even get parting words. FAIL . I guess Mona wasn't feeling her either. Welcome aboard, girl. I can't with lil' mama.
Olivia was offered a record deal by some poor unsuspecting record company. They had a few stipulations for which Liv would have to agree to. Firstly, she'd have to commit to producing at least 3 albums. Secondly, she'd have to give them a large percentage of record sales. Thirdly, they'd need her first born and a lock of hair. Personally, I don't think these demands are too far out of the pocket. I have been saying all season that it was gonna take a miracle for this girl's career to climb out of that very deep sh*thole its in....so, her firstborn sounds reasonable. Of course, this picky beggar didn't sign the deal. She cites the 3 album commitment and the fact that the company was preparing to be sold to another record label as her reasons. Looks like Liv is going to make me right one way or another. The status of her career? Still in the crapper. In other news, on the Reality Check, Olivia finally gave her opinion of the Chrissy/Yandy situation. Liv is officially Team YANDY. Apparently, she has fallen out with Mama Jones and Chrissy. I'm sure that comment about Chrissy being in the wrong sealed the proverbial deal.
Emily B. would still like us all to believe she's standing firm against cheating and staying away from Fab. Lies and more lies, ladies and gents!! In one sentence, she's saying that John has to work hard to be with her not the other way around. In another sentence, she is talking about how much she loves him and can't be without him. I can't with her and I haven't been able to this entire time. Her situation is pathetic. Her situation mirrors that of many stupid females all across the country. Maybe not so much stupid, but definitely sad. Why is it women who date/marry affluent men HAVE to put up with their lack of respect for monagamy? That's a whole 'nother blog, but still Emily represents a large percentage of the ladies of this culture who sacrifice their bodies, self-respect, and values for Louboutins and luxury...and maybe a piece of man. Do better, Em. You really could.
Kimbella is the whiniest, cryniest of them all. Last we saw her, she was complaining about how Juelz had gone to jail and that their relationship was dysfunctional. Next thing you know, she's announcing that she and jailbird are expecting...again. Her mom was none too pleased and neither was I. Kimby is yet another stereotype collecting babies. He cheats, gets arrested, and so on. At least her child support check will be looking kinda fat. On another note, she is becoming a little too reality star for me. During the Reality Check, Mona asked her if she and Emily had met prior to the show. Emily stated that she did meet her through a friend in Miami. Kimby denies it. She just doesn't want to admit to knowing Fab had a girl because that would mean she is just the hoe Erica (Mena) keeps calling her. Whatever, do they make maternity catsuits? Guess we'll see.
Erica is just a bowl of rachet. She gets no comment.
Chrissy was her usual bossy and evil self. The show itself ended on a positive note with her and Mama Jones getting along. Jimmy flew them out to the Bahamas for some family time. I think that was their ghetto honeymoon. She swears she's a Jones now. I need the JOP to pronounce me, but I guess that's overrated. Her behavior on the Reality Check was deplorable to say the least. She pitched such a fit that she couldn't even film with the show's producer, Mona. I don't doubt that her feelings about Yandy helped sway her decision. Mona is Yandy's mentor. Thus, Chrissy don't like her. Period. I think Chrissy's exact words were "this is my show...bow down, bitch" as she referred to Yandy jumping on the LAHH bandwagon. Classy. I don't care for Chrissy. I have made that clear, but I don't care for Yandy either. The entire season Yandy has been the center for fights and foolery. She is all about money and she treats her clients too personally. It's all play and no work with this girl. She would say otherwise, but why do her clients = her brothers?? I question why she and Chrissy are at such odds with one another. I have said all season that Yandy and Jimmy have seen each other's privates. Mona asked her straight up if she'd had sex with Jim. Yandy denies it. Super Side Eyes. I believe that about as much as I believe crack ain't wack. I hope that the self-proclaimed queen bee of LAHH is dethroned next year. She's pulling a NeNe Leakes and threatening to leave the show. Bye bye, birdie!!! I hate when reality stars begin to see themselves as real stars.
Next week marks the return of Basketball Whores. You know I'll be in the building!! SN: RIP Whitney Houston. A real icon...she earned hers, Chrissy. 'Til next time....
xoxo, Christina Rose
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