First of all, do all of these Housewives have side hustles? Because I can't figure out how Sheree and Kim can afford these houses they are building/moving into. Sheree needed a ballroom. Sheree, that is not a room where BALLERS will come to try to wife you up. I think I needed to clarify that since she doesn't read books...but wants a library in her home. Sheree is always doing something crazy that never comes through, and this is one of those things I bet. Remember She by Sheree? Have we heard anything about it? EXACTLY!!
Now, on to Phaedra and Apollo's drama. Apollo got pulled over by the cops. BIG DEAL! If he didn't have drugs in the car or something else that's illegal, this would not have been a huge issue. I'm still confused about how to feel about him. If he was in jail for a white collar crime, why is he being treated like Rodney King?! Whatever! And if your wife is an attorney, all pride aside, you better call her! And why would him saying "I'm at work" be a sufficient answer to Phaedra because she doesn't seem to understand what he does for a living. Hey, if they like it, I guess I'm forced to love it!
Cynthia. Cynthia. What is your purpose? Obviously everything around you is telling you that you don't need to have Peter in your life! Your family hates him, when he's around your ex we see how inferior Peter is, and Peter seems to have no regard for your family or feelings! Plus, what happened to boundaries?! Why are they discussing their finances, love life, and future business ventures with Cynthia's ex? Leon should be coming to the door to say hello and to pick up his daughter. Nothing else.
And Kim and this pregnancy is the most annoying thing! She's just as over-the-top as she accused Phaedra of being. Why are you always acting like you need a drink so bad? ENJOY YOUR PREGNANCY! Another self-absorbed mother has been added to the ranks!
Now, NeNe. I get that she cares about how her son feels about her and his father being separated. But does the boy really need Louis Vuitton luggage? Also, she shouldn't be telling Gregg that Brent feels he is boring when he's at his home. If she was gonna do that, she could have said it more eloquently than "He say you be boring!" Thanks for that ebonics explanation, LaQuisha! Geez!
Now, for my second favorite part of the episode, Phaedra and Kandi's shopping for Kim's baby shower. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed hearing Phaedra call Peter "the old man in the shoe", "Papa Smirf", and saying she didn't tell him to sleep with everybody. I agree with Phaedra. Peter cannot expect women to think it's so great for him to have that many kids by that many different women. Plus, he isn't a clean man: he's dirty as hell! Saying all of that stuff in that interview was a punk, dirty move! Mr. "I'm A Real Man" should have said this stuff to their faces! On top of that, I have to say he can't be Uncle Ben, Phaedra, Uncle Ben seems nice! Hahahaha!
That baby shower was too extravagant for words, though. I understand a new life is coming into the world, but celebrating in a place probably used for galas is extreme! I agree that she probably took a page out of Phaedra's book, minus the ballerinas. Oh, and Kim, Kandi hasn't spoken to you in forever because you messed with her money! I don't know what world Kim lives in, but in the real world cheating someone out of money for work they did is not acceptable. Kim thinks she's above the rules. WRONG, SWEETIE!! Speaking of Sweetie, I'm glad she got to enjoy the event like someone with dignity, not like the woman Kim treats like a servant. Well, I'm hoping she did because we didn't really get to see that. LOL
MY FAVORITE MOMENT OF THE EPISODE: The fight between Apollo and Peter. I don't know what makes Peter think he can talk crazy to a man that just left the slammer. Umm, sit your behind down and shut up. Truthfully, Peter deserved what he got. You don't yell at a woman when her husband is present! You're asking for a confrontation! Then to bring up the fact that he's been incarcerated is insane! That's something you say when you're ready to throw a punch next. LOL! Also, why would he say Sheree isn't cute? Worry about your own wife! She's the one who walked the runway last year with cellulite EVERYWHERE!
Btw, let me state for the record that I do not trust Kroy. Who the hell is from Montana?? You never hear anyone say they are from there, visit there, have family there, etc. At least I haven't! Saying he's from there makes me think it is something he's possibly saying so he can start a new life or probably front in some way. We've all heard of Don Draper. If you haven't, google him. LOL! And you mean to tell me he just fell in love with superficial Kim with two kids by two different men?? No. Something is wrong with that picture completely. I don't know any 25 year old man that would wanna play Daddy for 2 children he just practically met. It's noble, but c'mon! It's something mostly made for movies. I have a feeling this might be his first relationship, too, so he's just going with the flow. I think that'll come to an end shortly. I give that marriage 6 months, or at least as long as it takes them to get paid for one season of that spinoff she supposedly got.
Anyway, see you Sunday!!! : )
(Photo source: http://www.popularcritic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/peter-and-apollo.jpg)
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