Let me start by saying that I never intended to start liking this show. I can't even say now that I like it, but the buzz surrounding it made me tune in for season 2.
I'm gonna start by discussing Chrissy. HOW DELUSIONAL IS THIS CHICK?! I have never heard of a man losing an engagement ring! First of all, I've never heard of a man with an engagement ring, but if he has one then losing it like Jim Jones did is unacceptable. Plus, Chrissy, that's a message he's sending you: he doesn't want to get married! This chick is stuck on wanting to be Jim Jones' wife, a title that I'm sure is undesirable. I think she's thinking of marrying him as if it were the Olympics. In other words, she's going for the gold and winning means she's the best jumpoff in history! Well, you go, Chrissy! DREAM BIG....it doesn't even cost you a diamond to do that! LOL!
Olivia, why??? Why is she on the show??? No one is her man! She's not trying to rap! She's just there! Just because she was the least known member of G-Unit a few years ago doesn't mean she's earned the right to force herself upon us via television! I feel assaulted. VH1, stop it!
Now, Somaya and Emily...I don't know when this friendship started, but I don't diss anything that gives me ammo for my blog posts! LOL! Ammunition given to me by this episode: how unclassy it was for Somaya and Emily to be walking around the liquor store on a show about hip hop. LMAO! Stereotype much?? On any other VH1 show or network, the women would have been at the mall or the grocery store. Leave it to these hood heffas to have a stroll down the Ciroc aisle!
Oh, and Kimbella! Kimbella? That sounds like the name of a friend Shenehneh from "Martin" would have had. And Kimbella comes with fucked up weave and exaggerated speech and movements. "I'm Kimbella....the girl of.....and.....I like....." SHUT UP!!!!!! She's a joke! Juelz's stock plummeted by her exposing herself as his girl AND the mother of his child! Gross! Just gross.
And as for how pathetic Emily is, we see that at the end of the episode. Kimbella says she's slept with Emily's man. Emily sits in silence and then begins to recite and compare timelines with Kimbella. We find out she was pregnant when Fabolous was dating Kimbella. HMM...so you would think that Emily got mad, right? No. HERE COMES CHRISSY TO DELIVER AN ASS-KICKING THAT SHE SHOULDN'T BE GIVING! I don't know what's worse, the fact that Emily can't defend herself or that Chrissy is so dedicated to fighting/exhibiting her hoodrat tendencies. Either way, Kimbella got her a$$ handed to her! Whatever, though. I'm just ready for next week's episode.
BUT....TONIGHT'S STAR: MAMA JONES!!! That woman is such a former crackhead, but it is beyond hilarious to me! She really went in the studio and made a diss rap about Chrissy AND sent it to a webstie, a la Robert "Granddad" Freeman from "The Boondocks" LMFAO!! Look, Mama Jones can make as much music as she wants, but the guy taping her is going to hell. LOL! He should be arrested for taking advantage of someone with issues. He's just as bad as the people that were recording fights between homeless people a few years ago. LMAO!
Thoughts, people?? I'm in new territory here!
P.S. The pic above is a screenshot of Chrissy giving Kimbella that beatdown!
(Photo source: http://4.freshlikedougie.net/files/2011/10/Love-and-Hip-Hop-2-Fight.png)
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