Okay. This show has taken "hoodrattery" to a new level! Chrissy really went to Jim like she was justified in what she did! And then she changed the story a little! Kimbella said she had DATED Fab, not f***ed him! Don't try to make yourself look better for your man because we see how much he cares. He didn't even remember what you said at the end of that conversation. Wow, what a winner you have, Chrissy! LOL
Oh, and Somaya must have been offended when Chrissy cracked on her teeth! She took the cameras with her to the dentist! Show the world your new teeth, girl! LOL! But does she really think she's somewhere between Selena and Gwen Stefani when it comes to her music?? OMG! Can someone bring her down to earth.....QUICKLY?
I love how Kimbella met with Yandy (Lispy Yandy) to plead her case and insinuate that this punch from Chrissy is going to cause problems. Girl, you are a jumpoff who happened to get pregnant. Don't act like you're some dignified high school sweetheart! More than anything, don't feed into her, Yandy. Any chick in a dress that short and chooses to wear no underwear is just a hoe! End of story. Kimbella=HOE! No way around it!
Yandy's second lunch was hilarious and pointless, too. All of the girls did seem brainwashed by Chrissy. Frankly, I think they all just don't want to say the obvious: that Chrissy is probably afraid some Kimbella-type will tell her something like that about Jimmy or it's already happened. And Olivia had gotten boojie because she's not in her mom's house anymore! LMAO! Saying that she's trying to be more than Somaya so she can't go to her show is truly mean. Just go and laugh at it later if you must. Somaya is trying to make things right! Give her a chance! You should know what it's like to be an outsider because you're running around New York begging for record deals. I think it's jealousy....Somaya has had two performances (one during the first season, one during this season), but all Olivia has had is that showcase that obviously failed since she's still searching for a deal. Womp womp.
But last night's kicker was Emily listening to Chrissy's love advice. Really? Chrissy is the chick who proposed to her BF, but he lost the ring. Her advice should be the last advice someone should seek.
Granted, Somaya's performance sucked and should not have ended this week's episode. Plus, Chrissy, of course all Yandy thinks about are checks! She's a manager! Chrissy is just angry and bitter this season, so I'm going to need her to take some boxing classes instead of trying to start pointless arguments and fighting fights that aren't hers.
Oh, well! More from me next week, loves!
(Photo source: http://www.s2smagazine.com/sites/default/files/Love%26HipHopCast2.jpg)
How right you are?!