First off, I'd like to mention what a nice surprise it was to have Mrs. Kimsha show up at the end....as if Shaunie n'em wanted to place her in there for good measure. Who do you think you foolin' vH1? I call this one a major FAIL. We all know y'all kicked both her and Strange' out cuz they weren't bringing the foolishness. Please don't insult our intelligence.
The only reason Kimsha was even around is to display the sad, sad fact that Jackie has talked herself right outta some friends. The fact that she is clammoring for Kimsha's friendship is even lower on the pathetic scale. Have some damn dignity please?!
I am so glad these women finally figured out what I've been blogging all season...Jackie is a psychopathic, crazy lunatic. Yes, all that. That whole Hawaii scene with the ladies arguing back and forth was proof positive that Jackie has been the culprit behind all the mess spread amongst the ladies. I am the happiest about Draya finally finding some kind of voice to stand amongst these chicks and not just let them bully her. A jumpoff is just as important as an almost wife and Draya ain't gonna let them forget it.
"What was that scene at the restaurant?", you wondered. I'll tell you. It was Jackie's first attempt at acting big and bad. She'd like us all to think she is queen bee and running things. However, the other girls had something totally different in mind. Malaysia established point blank that she was gonna harness her inner "souther-Inn" belle on that hoe! iDied!! Needless to say, their conversation ended badly.
Now, the reunion has been snooze-worthy and the only thing I'm still tuning in for is to continue my season long laugh at Tackie Jackie. We're taking bets on whether or not Strange' or Kimsha will be there. Takers?? 'Til next season....
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: www.stylemeprissy.com)
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