Hi my lovely bleeples! I know I've been MIA...somehow I found time to do something other than my usual gossiping and roasting of all things reality! I'm way late with the Basketball Wives finale, but you guys love me and prolly won't mind hearing my late but still valid opinion on the matter.
Jen was the star this episode what with her divorce party and all. That said, I'll come back to her. Evelyn and the gang didn't have much goin on. Although, there was a little blip in there where there was actually some trouble in paradise. Evelyn just happened to be driving the strip when she discovered that her boo, Ochocinco, having lunch with a female. Quick! Somebody call 911. This is an emergency. Another golddigging heifer is on the prowl looking to murk (yes, murk) a relationship. Like a true baller hunter, Evelyn waited until he got home to spring him with the news that he's been caught! They fight and argue about him consorting with those types despite Evelyn's eery similarity to them. By the time it was all over though, he was back to begging for the cootch, and she was back to giving it. Moving on...
Still no Meeka in sight...I guess she slid her greasy arse back to the Congo. Good riddance!
As if we cared, Shaunie and her manager are shown in an all to glowy light attempting to expand her brand once again! So, I'm the only one who notices that Shaunie never gets any negative playing time on the show?? Oh ok. Anyway, now the former Mrs. O'Neal is attempting to design shoes....wait, didn't she do that last year? *cue the fail music* She got the gig this time and of course she and her wormy manager were "elated". Girl, bye.
Back to Jen, She and Big Mouf Suzie went cake shopping for the divorce party. When I say they went, I mean they had a full on cake tasting and everything. They designed the cake in wedding style fashion but with the bride dressed in all black and holding the groom's bloody head. Classy!
Meanwhile, Jen still isn't technically divorced. I just thought I'd point that out. I know you guys are smarter than that, but for good measure. Mr. Ed makes several appearances throughout complaining one minute of Jen dragging this thing out and begging the next minute for her to please, PLEASE come back! Ya never know with him. Jen spent her very well planned out divorce party bashing her husband, slobbering all over that gay guy Al hooked her up with, and beating her husband's paper balls to a pulp. Alas, I think Mr. Ed got the last laugh. During their little meeting to discuss matters, they ended up in a heated match on which one of them is worse...Jen threw food at him...he splashed her directly in the face with her own martini! What a mess?! Poor Jen got exactly what her dumb ass deserved. It might just be me, but looked like her eyes were burning a bit too...Just sayin...
Haven't caught the reunion yet, so why don't you guys enlighten me on what happened?? Til next time...
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: http://www.naybesa.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/eric-jen.jpg)
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