Next, Teresa and Melissa's disaster of a playdate. OMG! Watching them try to talk to one another like there is no tension=painful! All of these insults were being thrown and laughed off! I mean, what are they, family members or high school girls who don't like the fact that they're in the same clique?? Oh, and I love how Teresa denied Melissa a place for her recipes in her new book! Ha! She really tried to make Teresa look mean for that, too! If Teresa had asked to use that studio to make an audiobook, I'm sure Melissa would have had the same reaction. They both need to grow up. And Melissa, "pork dish" can mean anything. Please tell us if it's pork tenderloin, pork chops, etc. Oh, and Teresa, please refrain from making mean jokes about the brother you claim to want a better relationship with. There's no need for that. Like I said, both of these women need to grow up, and last night proved that they are BOTH at fault!
OOOOH!!! And Teresa and Kathy with no makeup made me think it was Halloween in Jersey again! GEEZ! They look 72 without a full face of makeup! No wonder they hire professionals because there's no way they could manage to do their own makeup. They couldn't even take care of their skin for the 40+ years they've had it! LOL
Two big lies this episode: Melissa doesn't wear a lot of makeup and Rich is funny. Melissa, what the hell is wrong with you? You honestly think we believe that Teresa threatened to show pictures of you with less makeup?? What harm would come from that? That's just your way of trying to make it seem as if she is after you in every way possible. I personally think you should let her show them. People like me would probably tell you to go back to that look and save your skin the 30 years of age you're adding to it with that makeup mask you wear!
And Rich is crazy! Why did he have to use so much profanity at that party? Is that necessary? And is it really appropriate to be drunk like that in front of your children?? He's just as extra as his wife. NEXT!!
Oh, and Lauren, get over your body issues! Your family has enough money to have you bypassed and liposuctioned 10 times if you wanted that. Get some real problems! I mean, they got you a spot in that salon, right? Oh, I forgot. We're supposed to believe the Manzo family actually works. Forgive me. LOL
That New Years party was a hot mess! I mean, Kathy, who brings a baked goods gift basket to a New Years party?? NO ONE! And Joe, you're flashing your "bank roll" and saying you have 10 dollars?? Stop it. Ten dollars is probably ALL you have at this point. Go ask Teresa for a 20 because we know she's where the bread is really coming from!
Also, there was no Rosie sighting this week. However, I think Caroline tried to channel Rosie via that butch, 50s "slickback" hairstyle she wore to the New Years party! : D
Can't wait for next week!!
(Photo source: http://tvdud.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/The-Real-Housewives-of-New-Jersey1.jpg)
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