We started out this episode with a play date with the Guidice kids at the Gorgas' house. In true Teresa fashion, they were 3 hours late. I wouldn't even invite her to anything. She doesn't respect other people's time. It's hard to be TeamTre when she does rude things like this. Milania stole the show all over the place. First, she tossed her clothes everywhere and gave Teresa hell. Then, we found out from little Gino that Milania chokes him out regularly on their play dates. That kid is BAD!! She's cute. But, she's bad. Teresa calls it the "Horrible Fours". You made that up boo. The only 4 year olds I know that horrible is yours. She needs an old-fashioned butt whooping--Krispy Kreme style--best served HOT and fresh. Melissa tried to be cordial with Teresa as the kids played. By that, I mean talk nice to her, then hit her with a request to be in her next cookbook. Teresa's response: "Everybody knows that bish don't cook!" Talmbout she makes a good pork dish. Sweetheart, we don't wanna hear about your trysts with Joey Gorga. Ick. Melissa tried to bring up the Kathy thing again. That didn't go well. Teresa turns herself off to stuff and refuses to listen to anything about it. I don't really care for Melissa or her studio for her horrible voice, but I do appreciate her trying with the stubborn ass that is Teresa. SN: the Ursula comment slayed me....nobody wants to box your voice boo love!
Meanwhile, at the Laurita house, Jacqueline tries to recruit people to help her wrangle her monstrous daughter. Her dad tried to go have a chat with Ashley and talk about her interests in art....wait, Ashley has interests?? Who knew. Although, I don't forsee that going well just because Ashley never commits to anything. Artists are usually committed to their craft. The only thing this chick does regularly is fail. Later in the show, we see Lauren (Caroline's daughter) preparing for her makeup store opening. She enlisted Ashley's artistic expertise to design a company t-shirt/logo. Needless to say, Ashley failed. She drew the sketches in the car on the way there. See where I'm going with this?? It's going to take being cut off for her to finally see that life will leave your dumbass behind depending on other people to keep you clothed, fed, and so on. Lost cause!!
The pre-NYE party conversations were interesting. Melissa pulled a BBW Suzie move by running and telling Kathy what was said between her and Teresa at the play date. Kathy, Richie, Melissa, and Joe G. spent more time doing what they swear they hate doing--talking about Teresa. Stop it! It's getting pathetic. They all tried to say by the end of it that they would try to get along for the new year and all the crap you're supposed to say but you really don't mean.
It was finally time to celebrate NYE! The party got underway...we saw some ugly outfits...bad dancing...and DRAMA! Caroline revealed to Teresa that she did invite the Greasy Wakiles to the event! Ol' Tre was none too pleased with that. What I love is that her slick mouth was locked tight then...Nobody says anything to Caroline. I swear she's Carmela Soprano! Ashley tried to take shots (hello, you're only 20!!) Albie and Chris traded wisecracks....they're like the 3 stooges but with 2. Joe Guidice and Richie threatened each other openly the whole night. It was tre Italiano. In the end, everyone had a great time and Caroline gave us the Don Carmela speech on the new year!
Next week, we get to see Ashley catch the cursing out she's been begging for all season. Can't wait. Til next week...
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: http://www.exsposay.com/)
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