These girls are not without narcissism, either! Judi, the SELF-PROCLAIMED Creole, is clearly suffering from some sort of multiple personality disorder. Priscilla is cool, but after "Mob Wives" and Flo from Season 4, you can't be a soft-talking Staten Island chick and expect to get respect. That's soooo 2003! LOL!
Nastasia, love her! Angelic, send it back! If we wanted Rosie Perez, she would have a show by now. : D Shelly, only time will tell. LOL!
Tiara, umm...funny but probably too hood for words! But Tasha, she's the star, if you ask me! She's the prettiest, and right now, she's also the smartest. Can't beat that first impression!
Overall, I'm going to avoid picking favorites this soon, though.
The best thing about this season is the fact that it's in New Orleans. What better city for craziness and drama??? Finally, Oxygen found the perfect place: it's interesting and full of opportunities for viewers to see drunken chicks do "Jersey Shore"-like things!
The only one of tonight's issues that deserved a lot of attention was the discovery that Judi is out of her mind!!!!! Why was she walking around with that voodoo doll like it was a real person? I don't know if she's doing this for camera time or what, but it's still alarming. She also spit on the pizza she made for everyone to eat? Those girls were nice to deal with that because she would have had to leave the house at that moment if I were in it. Can we say "germs"? And it seems like she screws rappers and ballers for a living, so if I wouldn't share a drink with her, I wouldn't want her saliva on my food! It's that simple.
I think if Judi leaves, everything will be fine. Was she really bragging about knowing Gucci Mane?? He is not A-list! Talk to me when you know Jay-Z! Until then, play with your doll and shut up.
Let's see what the NOLA Bad Girls hold for us next week. MORE PERSONALITY WOULD BE GREAT! Judi overshadowed way too many people tonight, and I do not want to watch another season of crazy and "loner advocacy" like Nikki provided last season!
Oh, and maybe next week Judi will actually say "DOLL" instead of "DOOOWWWHHHLLLL"! : ) And is Kristen from Season 5 an invisible cast member? Because these girls are saying "DONE!" every 5 minutes! *annoying*
(Photo source: http://glamazonsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Bad-Girls-Club-Season-7-New-Oreleans-e1311914019963.jpg)
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