When we left off, Jen Williams had been smacked by the 2nd most comfortable assistant ever, Nia, who takes a close 2nd after Sweetie of RHOA fame. Jen left the event less than pleased, but she has the last laugh because she contacted local authorities and set a lawsuit in place to fight rachet with legal. I'm usually a card carrying member of the "See A Bish, Slap a Bish" brigade. However, I gotta say I like Jen's style on this one. She can't fight and we know it. Hit 'em where it hurts.....their Louboutin fund. One thing I can't get with though with Ms. Jen is the fact that her only ally seems to be psycho Kenya. Nobody likes Kenya. She ain't good for the team. Take it from me, Jen. Ditch!!!
In other news, Evelyn and Ocho are still frontin' like this marriage is really happening. Don't you just love how she tried to clean up their "open" relationship conversation a few eps back?! Sweetie, we heard you give permission to your man to go to the nearest pharmacy for protection if/when he steps out on you. No reneging. What's done is done. In this episode, they supposedly had 5 months until the wedding. Fast forward to today...did I miss something. I ain't seen no news announcing their nuptials. She did admit that even at 36 she isn't mature. PS Blog fam, that isn't hot. Act your age, not your shoe size....the immortal words of Prince.
Tami isn't up to much this week and neither are the other ladies. However, I have to wonder how far television has fallen when we see celebrealities going to mammograms and pap smears all on the camera. Is anything private anymore?? *says the reality tv blogger* I am all about women taking preventive measures, but do it privately. Her daughters' dance lesson with Royce was funny though. They should prolly just stick to a mike stand. SN: how did we go from "non-mutha-effing factor" to mammogram buddies?? Anyone?

Next week, the Basketball Groupies head to Tahiti! 'Til next time....
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: http://globalgrind.com/entertainment/royce-reed-christina-nero-twitter-beef-dezmon-briscoe-details)
(Photo Source: http://blog.vh1.com/utag/series/basketball-wives-4/37829/)
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