Evelyn is grasping at straws this season for friends if you ask me. First, there's Noe, whom she had a nice convo with about closing her high-end shoe store and strictly selling online. Here's what. Um, does Noe work there? Also, everybody knows the economy is looking like whodunit and why so how come Ms. Thing is trying to convince us that she's closing her store because she don't have time? Yeah, no, you ain't got money boo boo. You would think those Ochosinkhole checks would pay for her little hobby, right? Not. He ain't working. PS don't you love how she is trying to say she ain't got time for kids either. I mean, just last year, she and Ocho were at the doctor's office filling cups with semen for the boy twin set she always dreamed of (remember Pepe and Esteban?) . Second, now her assistant is her buddy too. In fact, there such close friends that this girl (whose name escapes me) is mad as hell at Jen too. Call me crazy, but sometimes employees should remain such. Whatever, more on that later.
Tami shares even more personal information about herself. I don't mean to be insensitive, but how many times do we have to hear these childhood hardship stories from her? She don't seem to care about that stuff when she fighting bitches. That's all I'm saying. Now, her mom has to catch the "you did me wrong" speech from Tami. And, scene.
Royce is in love....again. This girl falls in love about as quickly as that old lady in the "I've fallen but I can't get up" commercials. She has the attention span of a gnat. I swear. Who is this dude anyway? That's probably why Royce's dad ain't trying to hear it anymore. I'd be over it too. This time she's talking to some professional athlete and talking marriage. Oh, wait. That already happened. I think it ended with a kid and a court order not to even breathe dude's name. Anyway, Royce is a one-trick pony. Everybody around the world knows her persuasive skills. #1 = give it up. #2 = dress up in lingerie, rinse, and repeat. Next week, she'll be dating Kim K.'s ex.
The ladies attended an event at the racetrack in Miami. It was going well until Tami got the mess started. Tami confronted Jen on sending each of the women correspondence stating that no one is to get "out of pocket" with her unless they want to face a lawsuit. Then, Ev's assistant chimed in. She confronted Jen on being friends with her and suddenly stopping after she and Evelyn were no longer acquainted. Words were exchanged until the girl asked Jen if she needed to be smacked in the head. Jen said "I wish you would" and the next thing you know "SMACK" was seen and most definitely heard.
On the next episode, we will see Ev attempt to insert herself in the fight foolishly scooting across the table in a cocktail dress and barefoot. Classy. Can't wait! 'Til then....
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: http://theurbandaily.com/1913501/jennifer-williams-suing-evelyn-lozadas-assistant-for-slapping-her/)
(Photo Source: www.necolebitchie.com)
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