Hi, Bleeps! Last week's Basketball Wives pulled another one of their crazy fights that keep us tuning in week to week. The victim? Kenya. She begged for it and finally got it. Her adversary? Who else, Evelyn?! Let's not waste anymore time...
The previous week's episode we saw Kesha divulge to the ladies that while she might be having problems with Tami at least she didn't call Evelyn loose like Miss Kenya did. Now, usually, I am never supportive of people dragging someone else in just because he or she is in the hot seat. But, I don't like Kenya so I'll allow it. Evelyn tried to play the news like it didn't really matter to her. Clearly it did. It's all we talked about the rest of the show. Back to that in a minute...
Kesha apparently ain't no fool. So, she enlisted the services of some new girl who was at the alleged meeting to corroborate her "hoe" story. The young lady did just that and insisted that Kenya had lots to say about all the ladies.
Jennifer is making her independence from all these ladies known. She still hangs out with Suzie, Royce, Tami, and Kesha on occasion but really she's a one woman show now. I have to admit. I like it. I didn't like her lap dog act with Evelyn. She seemed like such a yes girl. I'm still taking bets on her lip gloss line though.
There was a sweet moment on the show. One of Shaunie's very large children had a birthday. Ms. Lady flexed that celebrity to get her baby girl a chance to meet Mindless Behavior. They are like the new Backstreet Boys/Immature of this millenium. Little (or Not so Little) MiMi cried and cried upon meeting her crushes. It was cute. Too bad Shaunie is a messy ass bitch.
Ultimately, the Kenya vs. Ev fight came to a head. The ladies (headed up by Shaunie) set Kenya up for a meeting in a room full of bottles. Evelyn jumped right into it having Kesha's friend explain what was said and by whom. Ev then threatened Kenya insisting that all Kenya needs to do is admit she said it. Kenya tripped over herself most of the time and swore that she did not recall saying Evelyn was "loose". This sent Evelyn over the edge and she picked up one of those strategically placed bottles and put it right to Kenya's dome....or at least tried.
Tonight is the continuation of this foolishness. I'll be in attendance, but I ain't feeling all the way so if this epp ain't thee most entertaining ever, I wouldn't hold my breath for an update. Chime in.
'Til next time....
xoxo, Christina Rose
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