Emily is probably the saddest story line right now. Sad as in pathetic. So far, we saw Kimbella get her butt kicked for admitting to a relationship with Fab while Ms. Em was pregs at her independence party. Then, she called her little friend Teairra Mari in for um, support, I guess. This heffa ain't left. Dontcha just hate when certain invited guests never know when to leave? Plus, T. Mari is an attractive one hit wonder so who's to say she ain't been up under Fab too. Now, after what like 2 weeks separated from Ol' Snaggle Toof, this hoe admits to everybody that she and Fab are dating again. C'mon now! What were we celebrating your independence from??? It's just not a good look if ya ask me.
Somaya. Have you seen her?? Tell me, have you seen her? Last time we saw her, her fly was unzipped in front a room full of people. Guess vH1 didn't care too tough for that, cuz mamacita is a'missing! We'll miss you, Amazonga!
Olivia has been whining and crying all season with her wimpy bug faced manager. Why the tears? Her career is in the crapper and forever will be. Now, she's blaming her mama for the demise of her future defunct music career. When she was younger, her mom called her a hoe and would write her letters expressing her disgust with who Liv hangs out with, wore today, etc. Boo hoo, gal! We all had effed up mamas and no good daddies. Hit us again with another excuse. Since Somaya's not around, Liv hasn't had much room to hate. But, she still managed to give terrible advice to Ms. Kimbella. We'll discuss that more in a minute.
Yandy is doing her thing on the show this season. I haven't quite made my mind up about her yet. On the one hand, she's this business woman handling her many clients and getting things done. I respect that. On the other, every time she brings a guest to someone's gathering Kimbella gets beat up/some ish pops off. I can't respect that. That comes off as a bit messy to me. I feel like Yandy knows these people won't get along but expects them to anyway. She and Chrissy have had at least one run in this season. I gotta say, I'm on team Yandy with this one. Chrissy is a jealous, attention whore for the most part. She wants from the world what she gets from Jimmy. Yandy doth not equal Jimmy....and the rest of us neither.
Chrissy has been looking crazy all season. She's been pretending like she doesn't know Jim has no desire to marry her. Why buy the cow when he been getting this heiffer for free? I agree with Jimmy that its stupid. Jimmy is like those people that been stealing cable for years and then clams up when the cable company insists on box. Thus far, he's lost the ring, purchased a new car, started a clothing line, and so on. This time around, Chrissy has recruited her aunt Cookie and uncle Ralph as a last ditch effort to get Jimmy to finally see the errors of his dodgy ways. Jimmy's convo with uncle Ralph exposed some things we didn't know about Chrissy's background. Turns out auntie Cookie asked uncle Ralph's hand in marriage too. So, as my colleague Ms. Lexi says, Chrissy comes from a long line of begging women. LOL! We'll get to see next week if it worked.
Finally, Ms. Kimbella stays getting beat up somewhere. Ugh! On the season premiere, Chrissy put a hurting on that blond head. Now, a new latin mami, Erica, came in 38 hot on Kimby. Apparently, Erica and Kimby were competition for modeling/video gigs in Miami. According to E, chicks like Kimbella do "stuff" for free which depreciates the value of these models and makes it hard for women looking for a paycheck to get one. Uh, for some reason, I just don't think Kimby or none of her model cohorts depreciate the value of video hoeing....its already pretty low level. Just an observation. Anyway, Erica approached Yandy for management/representation. So, Yandy decided to try to incorporate her into the LAHH circle. Needless to say, it didn't go well. After exchanging words on Kimby's hoe quotient and Juelz's indiscretions, Kimby threw wine glasses and the hair pulling fest ensued! It was a mess baby. And if that wasn't bad enough, Erica called the police to a fight she started. Yep, I've made my decision on her.....No Bueno.
Next week, I predict Jim Jones is gonna propose to Chrissy. This would be nice, except she already did that. Unless he planned a surprise wedding, this goes into the "Same Sh*t, Different Day" file. 'Til then.....
xoxo, Christina Rose
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