Well, well, well! The foolery gets worse, but thank the TV gods for it!
Let me begin by saying that as this show goes on, I dislike Chrissy more and more! What is she doing with her life besides worrying about what Jim is doing and pondering who she can fight next?? SHE'S SO POINTLESS! Somaya has a hustle. Olivia is working TO GET a hustle. Kimbella just shot a magazine cover. Yandy is a successful manager. Hell, even Emily does something. AND MAMA JONES IS HUSTLING AS WELL!!! I'm starting to think Chrissy is where she is in life, husbandless and careerless, because her priorities are all fucked up! It's beyond obvious that she is chasing a meal ticket with Jim, and she's probably been chasing "free rides" for a lonnnngggg time. Plus, she can't believe she can do Yandy's job! To manage, she would have to leave Jim's side. Bottom line: Chrissy, you have no class! If you went on this show to show the world how you are in your mid-30s and still try to get your 35 year-old man to "goon" for you every time someone does you wrong, you've succeeded.....but you look like JACKASS and are making him look like one as well. Turn down the ghetto, you freaking rat!
The Emily and Kimbella meeting was really hilarious! Kimbella, as much as I don't like her, is better than me! I would not still be apologizing to Emily. At least she's trying to make the situation better. Did anyone see how Emily was talking to her while standing behind her car door?? LMFAO! Emily had so much to say at Kimbella's party, but now she's making sure she has a car door between them so that she can jump in her car if it gets too real! LAME!
Also, I want Olivia to stop chasing deals. There's no way in hell that she could be an independent artist, either. So, she really just needs to give up on music and get that 9-5 Rich was referring to. Plus, who wants to be a recording artist but can't take criticism? That Wayne guy was trying to tell her that she needed to improve her image and be realistic about her chances of getting a deal, but that bitch took it negatively! Sidenote: Is anyone else noticing that she's still running around getting rejected, but Somaya has an investor?? I noticed.
And why is Jim Jones on TV crying so much?! I know he is not getting that worked up over that useless ass woman that he's with. His mom was wrong for the song, but I think Jim needs to ask Chrissy to apologize to her too. I find it hard to believe that they've been in a relationship that long, yet Chrissy and his mom can't get along because of one party's doing. It has to have been both of them for this crap to get to where it is today. Oh, and Mama Jones, please spell correctly!! PSYCHOTIC!
AND CAN I JUST SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE TEAIRRA MARI?!!? She's great! Can she join the cast?? She's been the only voice of reason in terms of the Emily/Kimbella situation.
AND JIM AND CHRISSY'S AWKWARD ASS DATE! Why was his back to her the whole time, except for that kiss? Oh, yes, he's so faithful! *eye roll*
HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT: KIMBELLA'S HAIR CATCHING ON FIRE! ROTFLMAO!!!! She's so ditzy! She couldn't even react to her hair being on fire! Ahahahahahahahaha!
Can't wait for next week!!
(Photo source: http://cdn2-b.examiner.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_full_width_scaled/hash/6b/e4/6be4034ff442fd5e2ad31857a930e717.jpg)
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