Teiarra Marie is still waving her nosey little head. She and Kimbella met up to discuss the aftermath of that hair brawl Kimby and Erica were involved in on last week's episode. Kimby explained to Teeny (T. Marie's new nickname) that those comments Erica made about Juelz being with other women just wasn't gonna fly. She also shared with us that her mom was one of those females who put up with anything from her man (aka Kimb's dad) as he had cheated with and had families with other women. Kimb declared that she would never be one of these females, but she neglected to decline being one of those females who cheat with the fool (ergo, the Fab situation). Yah, in summary, she can skip me with that bull ish. Teeny claimed she understood where Kimb was coming from, but she still scolded Kimb on her behavior. I got a question. Where in the hell did this lil' one hit wonder get the stones to be in folks business like that?! She makes my nose hairs disintegrate.
Meanwhile, in Yandy's world, Mama Jones and she had to have a talk after Mama Jones' meeting with Chrissy. Chrissy informed Mrs. Nancy and anybody else who would listen that Yandy had given her a book dedicated to better behavior for daughters-in-law. Chrissy expressed disgust in the book and made sure to force that feeling upon anybody listening to her talk about it. Personally, I didn't think the book was that bad. It seemed to me like somewhat of a joke. But, alas, Mama Jones wasn't too keen on the book either and let Yandy know about it. This move sparked a snowball effect of Yandy breaking away from Jimmy as her brother/client for good. There was alot going on with Ms. Yandy this week. From having a heart to heart with Kimbella on their deadbeat dads to passing off potential clients to other entertainment managers, Ms. Thing was busy. She tried to pass Erica off on Rich Dollaz. I think he's gonna bite, but he's not going to be managing her singing. This heffa couldn't sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider for me. Her voice is CRAP. She had the nerve to say she has a vocal coach who is helping her perfect her "craft". Here's a thought: Kill yo' self. I like that better. ...Not only did Yandy have a heart to heart with Kimbella, she met with Juelz as well. She felt like he would have some good advice on how to deal with the whole Jim scenario. Her ultimate decision was to let him go as a client seeing as how he's stopped answering her calls and just won't act right. What a shame. I mean it ain't like "Ballin'" is still on the Top 100 on iTunes. How has he been maintaining other than Yandy's help? He hasn't. That's how. Hope Chrissy knows what she's doing. She has no income.
Emily didn't have too much action going so we ain't really gotta talk about her. As for Somaya, even she acknowledged on Twitter Monday night that she hasn't seen too much of herself on this season. Fans were tweeting her saying, "you gonna be on #LoveAndHipHop this week?". Her reply, "IDK, doubt it." That's some crap. vH1 needs to start being held accountable for asking these folks on then just dropping them to fit someone less entertaining in....I mean, Teiarra Marie? Sir.
Olivia broke the news to the ladies on a shopping excursion that she had a fun-filled work weekend in Miami coming up. This was the perfect opportunity for the ladies to get away from the perils of NYC or should I say Jersey cuz that's where all these hoes actually reside. Chrissy took this opportunity and ran. She and Jimmy had a little argument one morning about his participation in their relationship as it were. He doesn't think he's doing anything wrong, but Chrissy is fed up beyond fed up with his marriage dodging ways. Thus, she ran to the MIA to get away from him and lie to the girls about how she's leaving him. Needless to say, Jimmy showed up. He was very nervous. I could tell. So, he turned the whole scene into somewhat of an argument and then showed Chrissy the box. He placed it in her hand, and she proposed to herself. She instructed him to place the ring on her finger. The job was done. She can shut up now for the next year. Might I add that last week I predicted he would do this and I also said it wouldn't be sweet cuz she already proposed. Ok, just wanted to remind you. Now if he had've brought a Justice of the Peace, he would've floored me.
Next week, it goes down with Chrissy and Yandy. Finally! I might even go down with Kimbella and Erica again. 'Til next time....
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: www.iamcocoa.com)
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