Let's start with the Giudice family putting up their family Christmas tree. Teresa's daughters are so cute! But does she have to make them all wear those tacky ass bows?! C'mon!! We get it. You still think you're in Italy living as an Italian princess, but smell the bankruptcy and American air, sweetheart!!! Plus, WHY IS AUDRIANA always under a ladder or about to tumble down some stairs?? Either she's too active for words, or her parents are overly self-indulgent....you pick. My job is just to write about this! LOL!
Also, I found myself able to not only verbally understand what Joe Giudice was saying last night, but I actually agreed with what he was telling Teresa about family and friends. He's right, you only need to worry about the people who have been there to lift you up when others were trying to tear you down. And yes, I believe Rich (Kathy's husband) is a "candy ass," as Joe so elegantly called him.
And ASHLEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?! This girl has no job, but lives off of Chris' money like she is his biological daughter. Listen, if Chris leaves Jacqueline tomorrow, he is only obligated to his BIOLOGICAL children. Taking care of Ashley would be something he would be doing purely out of his own heart. I don't understand how someone like her who didn't grow up with money can be so entitled and bent on being useless! Not to mention the fact that she thinks she's a smushed-faced version of Paris Hilton! Did you see her using the hell out of her BlackBerry last night while everyone was at the sushi bar to celebrate HER birthday?! MANNERS, ASHLEY???
Finally, the highlight of the show, THE PARTY!! I cannot take Melissa AT ALL! She seems like the type of person who was probably working at Hooters, smelled Joe's money, then served him free chicken all night. She's just greedy. If they go bankrupt, please believe that she will not be sticking by Joe Gorga the way that Teresa is sticking by Joe Giudice. She will find another man with money and say, "THANK YOU, JESUS!" LMAO!! Oh, and why was she taking pictures on her own red carpet? It was a charity party...at her home. She wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Her sisters also look like they have always hated her growing up, but now are willing to be in her shadow because of her money and her being on the show. Did you see their "Beyonce's (Melissa) in the middle/Destiny's Child" poses? YUP! I'm right, and you know it.
Kathy is really in need of a reality check, as well. Why would she think that Teresa would accept her fake "It's really nice to see you." after they had been through all of that drama and had not seen or talked to each other in what I assume to have been weeks. Then, she goes to bitch to her husband who said "fuck" Joe and Teresa. Okay, I bet he wouldn't say that to either of their faces! LOL
ENTER KIM G.! That woman is seriously about as batshit as Danielle Staub was last season! Now, I see why they were "friends" for a while last season. Kim loves drama to an unhealthy degree. Where I'm from, if you bring the lawyer that's suing one of my family members to a family Christmas party, that's your ASS! You're just getting knocked out. No way around it! Kim needs to stop pressing her luck. If this group will fight at a christening, they probably have no problem throwing a jab at her. LOL! And the worst part about it is Kim brought Monica Chacon to the party and tried to give reasons to Joe and Melissa Gorga as to why they should let Monica stay, even if it bothers Teresa. WHAT?!?! How do you leave your home and tell someone that they should be inconvenienced in theirs?! THAT'S TERESA'S BROTHER'S HOME! Nothing about that seemed rude or wrong to Kim. It really is shocking to see people who are that unaware of themselves and how to treat others, yet they claim to have so much "class" since they have money.
Lastly, I'm happy that Joe Gorga did stick up for his sister by telling Monica that she had to leave his home. That's the way to be, in my opinion. However, Melissa, why apologize to Monica??? She's bringing drama into your home and is suing your sister-in-law! I thought family was so important to you. Obviously, it's not, so from this point on....I DECLARE YOU AS A FAKE, WASTE OF TIME! As for Jacqueline, I really love her for going to help them all with the situation. Even though I respect her, I think she is becoming somewhat of a doormat. Why are you interacting with the woman (Kim G.) who is hanging out with people who want to hurt your friends, going to courtrooms with people pressing charges against your daughter, and always bringing gossip and drama with them?? Jacqueline, let karma take it from here. You've done enough for these women!!
Let the church say "AMEN!".....AND....."Thank you, Jesus!" *sign of the cross, Melissa Gorga style!* : D
(Photo source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://politikasm.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/teresa-giudice-real-housewives.jpg&imgrefurl=http://politikasm.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/the-real-housewives-of-new-jersey-season-3-premiere/&usg=__SjMJoAOEBZlMm3SVX8etgviBM6I=&h=403&w=600&sz=46&hl=en&start=0&sig2=J51HiaVCstF6U1YdHZP5Fw&zoom=1&tbnid=10keBg3DMrL3PM:&tbnh=142&tbnw=206&ei=idkkTpudO4bf0QH32qDhCg&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=282&page=1&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0&tx=71&ty=63)
This is friggin' FUNNY!!!!!