Legal drama prevails this week on Teen Mom. I've never seen so many lawyers on MTV at one time. From Farrah's visitation mess to Amber's imminent brush with jail time, we get to see that aside from the glitz and glamour of being on the cover of say People magazine, it still ain't smart to be 16 & Pregnant.
I'll begin with Roseanne & Dan or Ike & Tina depending on what time of day it is. Amber, Gary, and various family members/friends are contacted by both the police and Child Protective Services. You know what that means--trouble. Of course, Roseanne downplayed the domestic violence she subjected poor Dan too. She cried and whined about how she just wants all this to go away. What I love about this is that the assailant is whining and cryning (yes, cryning) to the VICTIM. You gotta have some enormous balls to tell the person you hit regularly that not only is it their fault but that you don't deserve punishment. That is a true abuser. Furthermore, old Dan apologized for it and tried to find her some help. Enter the Red Bowtie Don....or R&D's new legal counsel. He (along with everyone else they've consulted) warns them that the charges she's facing are very serious. Cue more tears....Blah blah blah. I say book the bitch! Did you see her using her "Craw-Magaw" techniques on Gary?? Right. Book her. And, if CPS sees fit to remove Leah from this home, I wouldn't blame them. That child is already halfcrazy and damn near has to take care of herself. Ask Leah...I'm willing to bet she throws the deuce.
Maci is being her usual dumb self. She is a smart girl, and she is a good mom to Bentley. But, when it comes to guys, you might as well call her Kelly Bundy...swagger just dumb. She let Kyle move in to her apartment in an effort to keep from moving back to Chattanooga with her family. Outlook: Hazy. Meanwhile, Ryan yammers on about how he hasn't met Kyle yet. He wonders if the chromosomes Kyle is clearly missing will affect Bentley's well-being. Yeah....crap, but Kyle does look like he could be "special needs". Anyway, Maci is trying to plan a birthday party for the little man too. Naturally, she needs Ryan's financial assistance to do this. So, he takes this opportunity to express his concerns. Finally, they both agreed to the guys meeting. In the end, they met, they shook, and they departed. Is it me or is Kyle a little scary? He seemed hesitant to meet Ryan, and when they did meet he held his head down most of the time....Toughen up lil wussy. You got like 50 pounds on him.
Catelynn and Tyler are up to their usual as well. This week Sister and Brother Husband anticipate BH's dad, Butch, getting out of jail (for the umpteenth time). He went in last year after the fight he had with SH's mom, April. They are now under a strict "No Contact" order as a result. Tyler and April went back and forth on who should pick Butch up from jail. I would think the obvious answer is Tyler. Hence, the no contact order. I'm just saying. Finally, they agreed that Tyler and his sister would pick Butch up. That man is pure comedy. He comes a'runnin out the building with his one bag in hand and kissed the ground. I love it! You know he's going right back in though, right? I mean what man who has been imprisoned for almost a year and has a wife isn't going to find her and ram her like dogs in heat?! Its only a matter of time before they are back together, fighting, and calling the police. Can't wait for it all to unfold...
Farrah and Sophia are actually the ones with the least drama...or at least they were until the police showed up with forms demanding that the paternal grandmother be given visitation rights. We all know Farrah ain't the easiest person to deal with...last year even her own mama swung on her. She is selfish, pigheaded, and has the ugliest cry I have ever seen. Yes, that counts against her. She's been going to counseling which I think helps some, but this girl needs ALOT of help. Now, she's upset that she doesn't have many friends...well, she doesn't have any friends. Any guesses on what happened to the asian girl that was hanging with her last year? Yeah, that's what I thought. The paternal grandmother and Farrah obviously never got along. And until recently, Farrah has never even mentioned her. The PG has contacted the Social Security benefits office and let them know that while Sophia's dad has been proven to be her dad via DNA he never acknowledged the child. This information made it impossible for Sophia to receive the benefits she so rightfully deserves...how she deserves them is another question. Anyway, wtf does his acknowledgement mean? Hell, I know plenty of men who don't acknowledge their kid, but child support don't give a hill of beans about that. Whaddo I know anyway. In the same breath, the PG is demanding visitation rights. I don't get that. You want to deal with Sophia as family, but you don't want her getting financial support from the government? While this is wrong, Farrah still managed to alienate her family by saying she won't accept the advice to consult a lawyer in favor of just ignoring this whole thing. That's stupid. She's stupid. But, alas. Pick a side. I, personally, am usually Team Anybody but Farrah, but I'm choosing her for now. We'll see how this whole thing plays out next week.
xoxo, Christina Rose
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