I normally don't post about "Basketball Wives". I usually leave that to my co-blogger Christina, but today, I had to chime in!
First, I must say that the underbite-having creature, known as Suzie, needs a muzzle! She is destined to forever be the girl someone hates because she can't seem to give HERSELF a break from the drama! She knew that telling Tami or Evelyn what Meeka said would get Meeka injured in some way. I think Suzie's a mole of some sort. I don't remember the player she supposedly dated years ago. I don't understand what makes her so "interesting". She serves no purpose, and I don't know why she thinks the women in this group won't throw punches at her soon! Does she not know undercover hoodrats when she sees them?? She's pressing her luck! That chick should start playing poker for a living because her whole life is one big gamble! LOL
And Evelyn really thinks she can be friends with people?? HOES DON'T HAVE FRIENDS!!! They can't because they might screw their friends' men! I thought that was well-known. Evelyn thinking she can have real friends is like a stripper thinking she can leave her co-workers with her husband. In other words, it's INSANE!! Evelyn is a gold digger to her core! And for her to get mad at Jennifer, as if she's the only one who thinks Chad Ochocinco is a media whore, is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure Chad's not going off on men in the locker room for talking about her! He knows who and what she is. She would be wise to know her role and do the same when it comes to him. Plus, he is not about to marry her! NO MAN WILL! As Tami has said before, Evelyn claims she ended her 10 year relationship with Antoine Walker, but how long were you planning to just let an engagement go on?? Evelyn, if athletes aren't marrying you, it's because they have learned your game, meaning too many of them have been with you. LOL! The only chance she has is to marry a low-rent athlete a la Kim Kardashian, at least that guy will marry her for the publicity if nothing else. And she can always go find a no-name NFL player. Most of them don't even break a million dollars a year, so they will take any pretty face in a skirt. Strippers, gold diggers, busted bitches included.
Tami, Tami, Tami!! What was the show like before Tami was a cast member? I truly don't remember, so that tells me it was what? IRRELEVANT! I think most of the women know that, too, and that's probably why they sometimes tell Tami things they know will set her off. TAMI IS THE SHOW!!! Last night, I was in tears laughing at her imitating Meeka to her face. It was priceless. Meeka isn't clueless, she's just SCARED! LOL! And she should be...Tami beat her ass like she was an old, ugly rug last night! It was a true snatch-n-grab. Straight hood! LOL
I have no idea what this show is doing to Shaunie's image and credibility, but she should definitely enjoy this fame for as long as Tami allows it to last. I mean, really, how many women are you going to come across who can beat another woman OUT of a country?!
Think about that....LOL
(Photo source: http://www.i-publicist.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/tami-roman-meeka-claxton.png)
Beat 'er like an old dirty rug?!?!?!?!