We began this show with that ladies of Atlanta leaving South Africa. Marlo was acting like a ghetto queen, as usual. I don't care how rich you are, you can pack your own luggage!! She and NeNe are so ghetto and not used to anything that they have forgotten how to care about others. I mean, the woman packing their luggage had a brace on her arm! WHAT?!!?!? Where they do that at?! I'm convinced that when the hotel employees were singing as the RHOA ladies left, they were signing songs of joy because they no longer had to deal with them.
Back in Atlanta, we found that Cynthia was more than happy to be away from Peter because she didn't even buy him a souvenir. LMAO!! That's okay because we know all Peter wanted her to come back with was her debit card.
As for Kim and how she yells at Sweetie, that shit needs to be stopped. Like ASAP!! How can she not see how that would be offensive to a Black woman living in the South?! I don't care how PC she tries to be, she's still a dumbass! I know plenty of non-racist people who still see something wrong with a white woman speaking that way to a Black woman. It's just not a good look. PERIOD! And she works for you, too?!? All people need to say to Kim is, "Well, I'sa sorry, Ms. Scarlet. We's not puttin up wit yo shit no mo'!" LMAO! Plus, the rented house. She made us think she was buying that house. That's what saying "I'm moving into my dream home" means, right? Apparently, not in Kim's world. She's a poser and broke as hell since Big Poppa left her. I'm over her.
And Sheree must be sipping stupid juice because I know she can't possibly believe she is Kim's true friend. She was yanking the woman's wig 2 years ago!! Plus, she was supposed to be close with Kandi! I think Sheree is mad and bitter that she is broke, so she's just lashing out at everyone in her path. Kandi is a much better person than me because I would have told her to sit her raggedy, Big Bob chasin' ass down! That woman is a warning to all women striving to be gold-diggers: The money will leave because no one can play professional sports for longer that 12 years, and many don't even make it to that many years. So, the women who chase that life and those men will definitely end up like Sheree Whitfield, ass out and tons of dollars short!!
Finally, the Black baby drama. I'm with Kandi 100% because I can't see Kim doing charity work, either. HER WIG WOULD FALL OFF!!! Nothing about Kim says, "I do manual labor to help the less fortunate." As for if she would a Black baby, sure. I believe she would. However, she would have to be around Black people to do that, and we see that she doesn't know Black people unless they work for her, are on this show, or if she's renting from them. Not the type of relationships that would make someone want you to hold their children.
And Sheree must be near eviction because she was lobbying for Team Kim like she was trying to get a room in that woman's RENTED house. LMAO!
I won't talk about Bryson and NeNe until he takes a shower and she admits that she's not rich. That's my way of protesting their shananigans.
Until next time....
(Photo source: http://www.realitywanted.com/images/upload/housewives/Episode_2.jpg)
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