If you're like me, then you thoroughly enjoyed last night's "Mob Wives" for two reasons: We now know that Junior is the world's scariest thug, and we see that Carla truly shares some organs or something with Drita since she never leaves her side. I would say she shared a brain with Drita, but well all know that the scarecrow (Carla) went to Oz (Drita's homeland) for that. So, it's safe to say Carla's on the journey to finding a brain. And look at her go! Golf with Karen?? Well, I do declare! *clutches pearls* LOL! I see Carla wanting to hang out with Karen, Renee, and Ramona more soon because Drita only wants to carry Carla around as proof that she has a friend. They never look like they're having fun! And let's talk about how BRAINLESSLY LOYAL Carla is to stay at Drita's party that consisted of 15 people. Ummm....aren't you on TV? You couldn't hire some posers to show up, Drita?! LMAO! Wow!
As usual, Junior and Renee were arguing while Junior gives us his standard "I don't like this woman!" face. Their argument was a disaster! Renee looked trailer park drunk (and the tiger shirt just added to that), while Junior looked like he was staring in space. I am so over them that THEY SHOULD BE OVER JUST HOW OVER I AM, AND THEY DON'T KNOW ME!!! I can't even say "Get a divorce!" because they did that! I can't say "Make up your minds!" because they don't have those. I'm all out of insults. Literally, the trailer park one was my last bullet. No mob pun intended.
Ramona. I kinda like her. She seems honest. I can see how she thinks Drita getting an Italian last name might have made her feel like Don Corleone, especially since Drita is the phantom ass-whipper. The only person who has heard of her fights is Big Ang. Now, if she were a big deal, they would discuss her all the time. She seems to just discuss herself. I'm a little over Drita. She needs to put up or shut up. I was not around Staten Island in the 80s, so show me what you can do. I'm sure everyone was a lot better at stuff they did years ago. Maybe she's lost her ass-beating ability. Hmmm...no. Entertained that thought, it didn't do it for me.
Back to Ramona....her party was not that cool, but it was better than Drita's. The cop at the party was a true gift from the comedy heavens. LOL! As for Karen, she must have been drunk because that guy she was talking to was not cute.
And finally, Big Ang. This woman (I'm gonna refer to her as that for this post since we've met her son. Hey, I'm not a total bitch.) is comic genius!!!!!!!!!!!!! The way she rolls her eyes and speaks makes me feel so delighted! I'm like a 3 year old watching Big Bird! I think when I see Big Ang, what I feel must be similar to what kids feel when they see a real-life (costume) Dora the Explorer. LMFAO!!! Anyway, she gets a laugh and a thumbs up from me!
Until next week.....
(Photo source: http://blog.vh1.com/files/2012/02/DritaAsBigAng-1329337102.jpg)
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