But as for last night's episode, it was appropriately titled "Hell on Heels". That's exactly what it was! The Albanian slugger Drita once again started a fight that she wasn't able to finish. She threw a mean right hook at Karen, but Sammy's daughter dodged that hit and came back with a punch that left Drita's eye black and bloodshot! I don't get why Drita keeps bragging about how well she can fight. I think she's just a chick who has had a luck streak when it comes to hitting someone hard enough the first time so there's no fight. In an actual fight, she sucks ass! Just saying!
And Ramona, I really like her! I think all women need that one loyal friend in their life who will have their back no matter what. So, call me crazy, but I love that she jumped in that fight to help Karen. Drita should not have been swinging!
For all the Ramona haters, y'all have to admit that she knows how to shit-stir like no other! LOL! Hell, I was ready to beat Derek's ass from my couch and I didn't know who he was or where he went....NOR WAS I AT THE SCENE! LMAO!!
I will say though that I nearly died from laughter while watching Drita cry and claim she was set up. BITCH, YOU ARE NOT TUPAC!!! ROTFLMAO! No one is coming for Drita bad enough to set her up, least of all Renee! I think Drita needs a "tough girl" moment at all times, so she can have it. Whatever. *eye roll*
Let's move away from that subject and discuss the other new Mob Wife, Big Ang. Now, I am truly confused when it comes to Big Ang. I mean, is Big Ang a man or a woman? And why am I even asking that when it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck so it must be...a man?? ROTFLMAO! I'm looking forward to hearing Big Ang's story just because I need to know what man actually dated her or married her.
Renee, Renee, Renee. I have a soft spot in my heart for Renee because she and I both love the nice things and are loyal as hell! So, I feel like she has a right, and my blessing, to beat all of their asses for ruining her party! LOL! When you're like me and Renee, you don't take too well to people messing up happy atmospheres that you try to create. She spent her night running in Jimmy Choo's to stop fights that had nothing to do with her! You would almost think that NO ONE came there to actually celebrate her birthday! But....the Junior situation is a little weird to me. I don't buy that he's changed. I believe he's just getting scared because he's going to jail and is realizing all of his mistakes. I hope Renee treads lightly with him.
But for real, why is that bitch Carla even on the damn show?! Her ole scary ass is always hearing shit secondhand and having an opinion! She heard about the fight at Renee's party and was calling everybody and their mamas to find out what happened, yet she couldn't call everyone multiple times to check on Renee after her surgery?? She only called Renee once! I'm over Carla. She's swimming with the fishes as far as reality TV is concerned.
Until next week!!
(Photo source: http://www.realityaired.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/figgti.jpeg)
Luv it gurl!!!!! But Drita my girl I like her so New York. Lol everything else I totally agree.
Alright Ms. Lieinbk, I gotta cosign on the #teamDrita thing! Love Her!