All things rachet!! All things foolish! All things Reality For Real!!
Splish, Splash, Mish Mash!!
Hey Blovies!! The last few weeks are like a blur, so I'm trying something a lil' different. Let's briefly discuss all the shows so far...
Basketball Wives is FINALLY over. I regret to inform you that they have been renewed for yet another season. What's worse? They've fired Jen, Royce, & Kesha from this ratchet show. The reunion show spent a lot of time trying to save Evelyn's and Tami's reputation. Tami insists that she's not a bully. Honey Boo Boo Chile, that is all we've seen of you since you got on this show. Face it. You've embarrassed yourself, your kids, and others. Acceptance is the first step. Evelyn spouted on about setting an example for her stepdaughters. I don't understand. No, really. Don't you have to be married to have stepchildren? Chad ain't married and ain't gonna marry this midriffed skank. Done and done. Oh, and I wept when Jen and Evelyn were reunited after that Maury-esque polygraph test they were both subjected to. And by wept, I mean regurgitated.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey are up to their old tricks. Badly behaved children, comparing riches, and keeping up with the Guidices. I will admit that last year I thought Melissa and Joe Gorga were just thirsty check chasing after sister/brother in law made it big on TV. Now I know, Teresa is a crazy, spastic, brainless skeezer. It's lucky for her that she flipped that table and keeps going broke. I think America cares about her evil cupcake coiffed spawn. People don't like to see kids struggle. Milk it girl! My co-blogger, Lexi, is likely cringing at this. LOL! I can't though. I can't listen to Tre lie anymore about her personal life and situation. If you don't want us in your biz, don't record your life (scripted or not) for reality tv. I also cannot with Lauren and this diet foolishness she's on. Just let your dad get you the lap band so we don't have to discuss your weight anymore. Thanks in advance.
On Teen Mom, the girls are back at it! Teenage parenting at its finest. We started this season off right. All the babies are 2 years old now. It seems like they should be older because I feel like I've been watching Amber's train wreck of a life for much longer. She and Gary are still wasting everybody's hard earned tax dollars with their crap. As reported in earlier blogs, Amber is on her way to the big house (doesn't she look fetching in Creamsicle?). Her best efforts to avoid serving time were to no avail. She got carted off to rehab in Cali and even attempted to kill herself. I'll believe that last line as soon as I see the hospital documentation. Attention is hard to come by these days I assure you. And who's caught in the crossfire?! Leah, that's who. Meanwhile, Carly is thriving with her adoptive parents. Thank you to the good Lord. Bentley seems to be fairing well with Maci and Kyle. I can't criticize Maci in the mom department. However, I know Ryan is a douche, but its not fair that he can't have a girlfriend if Maci can have a boyfriend. She needs to layoff. Farrah is STILL crying. I know she lost her baby daddy, but I maintain that the last time we heard his voice he was calling Farrah all kinds of bitches and telling her to lose his number. PS anybody note how bad Sophia is now?? She is about like Milania on RHONJ or "Millaniac" as I call her. Somebody save this child.
Feel free to chime in if you have anything you'd like to share or any shows you'd like to suggest I get into...your feedback is important to me. Hit me up @ or comment below. You can even comment anonymously if you don't want nobody checking up on ya. 'Til next time....
xoxo, Christina Rose
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