Hey Bleepers!! Last week was a two-parter so here's the dish on the latest concerning the Basketball Hoes of LA.
The drama was in high gear and Jackie's ponytail even higher....Jackie called a counselor to the house to talk with her troubled daughter...and by troubled I mean absolutely nothing is wrong with her. This disturbs her mama. Why? IDK. Anyhow, emotions went from high to low, mostly with Jackie as the rest of the participants including the counselor side eyed her the whole time. Jackie was concerned her daughter might be having sex or being intimate with boys. The daughter assured her that nothing like that was happening...except maybe a kiss. Jackie just about died. She is extra. The end.
Gloria and her sister are up to their usual bafoonery complaining about their men and their kids and wha wha wha....I'll be glad when somebody tells Gloria that Matt is her only hope. She wants to play to the camera and claim "dueces" but we all know without him, she's got her twins bloop and blip.
Malaysia is still in the word mispronouncing business. You'd think with all that money, her husband would buy her "Hooked on Phonics" or "My Baby Can Read" or suhn-ehn. You wanna wear Dulce and pronounce it "Dow-chay".....tragedy. Anyway, she played her role in the foolishness of the last two episodes. We'll come back to her.
As for Kimsha....oh yeah....she got kicked off right?! Bye.
Tanya....no?? oh ok.
Our resident talk of the town Ms. Draya took center stage most of this episode. What with Jackie and Laura spending some of their infinite time digging up police reports and other dirt on her. I don't understand how one moment all the inner circle chicks claiming they don't care about Draya and two dinners later she's the only subject. Messy wenches!! So they gather up the info and promise to "call Draya to the carpet" (whatever the hell that means). I love how they didn't stop there. They dragged Head Judger, Imani, and Miss Important, Glo-ria right on into the darkness with 'em. They talk each other's heads up and swear to go for the jugular. Y'all know Jackie is the ring leader behind this right?? I mean, all this cuz she didn't come to your 95th wedding ceremony? Talk about taking it personal. Take a cue from Monica, and DON'T. Gloria, Laura, Imani, Jackie, and Malaysia meet up at the club ready to ambush Draya. When she arrived, these heifers, minus Malaysia, were practically salivating at the chance to front Draya. This is how it went down....
According to the police report, Draya had been accused of leaving her 3 year old son and dog home alone with a rambunctious and sensitive GI tract (well, at least the dog) for days on end. He was left with tv dinners in the fridge and a phone to use. The little boy allegedly call 911 insisting that his being left alone in dog feces and Stouffer's was an emergency. I would agree. Other information on the net stated that the boy was taken from the home and put into foster care. Where was Ms. Draya while all this was happening? Shaking her ass for dem dollars and partying her life away....allegedly.
The ladies fronted Draya with this hardcore. They poked and prodded. Laura called her a "deadbeat ass mama" and some other things. In the end, Draya's only ally was Malaysia who insisted that she didn't have to explain herself to anyone. Draya denied the charges and defended herself against these mangy dogs. Poor girl.
In this week's episode, we saw Imani alot. Like way more than she deserves....but most of the episode was about cleaning up what happened with Draya. Malaysia had lunch or dinner with at least two of the ladies and basically backstabbed Draya calling her names and stamping her the world's worst mother....wait, wasn't SHE the one taking up for Draya at the club? I get so confused sometimes. Then, Laura and Draya met up...made up. Laura invited her out to a charity event and everything. Gloria modeled some lingerie for....well, Matt. Everybody knows that ish ain't 'bout to be published no where. At the charity event, Jackie got reacquainted with Draya. Suddenly, she wanted to be friends again. All was forgiven. What a miracle?! Except, Jackie's ass is crazy and that ain't no lie. I predict a few seconds relief until she cooks up some other crazy plan. I mean her words to Draya were "we won't tell the girls you like me again, they all think you don't". Firstly, you all are grown women. Who keeps secrets after age 20 anymore? Secondly, nobody cares if you all are friends again. Bye. and, Bye.
Next week, Jackie will be starting ish with someone else....til then....
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: www.komu-sense.blogspot.com)
gloria is ugly like a horse face and she backstabbed Draya. She draggged Draya into a hostile situation and then she distanced herself from the poor girl when the others were bullying her. Gloria is pathetic, considering how badly she got treated on the BBW Miami, you would think she would know better! UGH
ReplyDeleteWow, you're just as harsh as we are! Maybe you should guest blog for us LOL! Thanks for the comment.