Well, ladies and bleepleman, here we are again with more Basketball Wives LA foolery!! This week we got to see Jackie continue to show us why she is the People's Champ candidate among the crazies.
Laura is still on the chopping block by most of the ladies. IDKY they are all over her...most of the things Jackie claims Laura said about her are either true or we've never seen the camera catch her say it. The ladies attended some events for Glo and Matt's cancer charity golfing event. Of course, no event is safe when the Basketball Blows are involved. Jackie, Imani, and Draya roasted Miss Piggy (Laura) at the pre-golf tourney mixer 'til she got there. Then, they switched it to fake mode. I hate these bishes sometimes. I need Tami Roman around. She would never put up with this tomfoolery. Jackie ain't nowhere close. Sorry, BBWLA. After a little while faking it, Jackie finally said to Laura in a roundabout way that she was displeased with the things she had been saying about her....from the fat comment to well....the fat comment. Laura apologized and they swore allegiance to each other once again.
Jackie later talked about Laura over and over again with Imani, Malaysia, and any other sap who would listen. She re-angered herself and didn't even bother to tell Laura she was re-mad. The nerve!!! At the actual golf tournament, the ladies switched on Gloria as much as they did Laura. Guess she's guilty by association. There was clear discord as the ladies shot balls at each other's heads. It's not much of a stretch but nonetheless. Both Glo and Piggy noticed the tension but put on a good front for the public. This is a skill only the messiest and cattiest of females can accomplish successfully. Watch and learn.
Glo and Laura talked things over, and both claim that they don't care about whatever these ladies are mad at and are going to move on. Meanwhile, the time came for the charity closing banquet. There tensions mounted as Imani tried to play down her anger toward Laura and say she'll handle it at a more appropriate time. By this, she means when Jackie ain't around instigating. That little muskrat would put babies in the ring together. (If you can't tell by now, I really don't care for Jackie. And, I especially deplore her ponytail.) Thankfully, the events went over without a hitch. Cancer is saved!!!
However, I love how all of this episode Gloria played wifey to her boo, Matt. Reportedly, they are on the outs for real this time....and for good. According to Essence magazine, they are more than dun-zo. What a shame?! I was so looking forward to their December 51st nuptuals. It was going to be a sight to see! But, all that smack Glo been talking all season about throwing Matt the deuces had an adverse effect. I think she thought it would solidify her spot as the only woman he'd ever really want to marry...Instead, it made him chuck deuce his damn self. Whoops! I heard he even tweeted someone who said that if Matt didn't want her he'd take her...Matt's reply "you can HAVE her!". Black love.
vH1 is already advertising the reunion show...for me, that's not a good sign. They want us to know its gonna get majorly ghetto, but there are 3 episodes left. Let us decide that vH1 instead of deciding that we think your show pales in comparison to the original. Anyway, Jackie is gearing up to piss everybody off...can't wait for that. 'Til then......
PS did anybody else note that "I'm a bad bitch" comment Jackie made?? She should check her sources. Ok, bye!
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: http://ballertainment.com/2011/08/matt-barnes-gloria-govan-are-class-acts-at-annual-athletes-vs-cancer-charity-event/)