Ola, Blovers!! Hope all is well in your world. Things are rosey in my neck of the woods. As you can tell by the title, I came to give you guys the tea on the Real Housewives of New Jersey finale. Its been a long time coming, but it finally came. What is "it"? Teresa Guidice's evil likeness on the screen. I will talk more definitively about that in a minute...Let's get started shall we?
Over the past seasons of RHONJ, my preferences for characters has changed dramatically. I used to be a huge Teresa fan, only tolerating Caroline Manzo, hating Kathy Wakile, and kind of liking regular fence rider, Jacqueline Laurita. Since the progression of the show,
I CANNOT stand Teresa. If you are Tre fan, I suggest you stop reading now, or swallow your pride as I warm up the fire for her roasting session. I rather like Kathy Wakile now due largely to her sister, Rosie. And, I think the Gorgas are hilarious.
Jacqueline had a little less drama this season because she sent her daughter, Ashlee, away. That girl is one big ball of crazy. I'm sure both Jacq and her hubby, Chris, were appreciative of that break. She planned a trip for the entire cast to enjoy one another in hilly San Diego. It was a successful trip until Caroline and Teresa had their big falling out.
We recently found out that Jacq's son, Nick, has autism. She had been trying the entire 1st season attempting to get pregnant and did. Our hearts go out to her family as they transition to caring for a child with issues like his.
Caroline's family is known for their Brownstone and other business ventures. This season, we saw her sons and brother, Chris (Jacq's hubby), begin selling their BLK water and wine projects. Lauren has been whining all season about losing weight and being seen in the same spotlight as her brothers. Well, her daddy bought her the LapBand and has lost 35 pounds. Congratulations, girl.
Will you just marry Vito now, get pregs, and gain that weight back? The whining is not attractive. Thanks. Caroline has demonstrated her disdain for Teresa all season. So, it was no surprise that they were at each other's throats on the trip. Caroline turned 50 and has been spreading her wisdom all over the radio waves. Looks like its was somewhat successful....*sideeye*. She and past castmate/sister, Dina, are still well into it....which she blames squarely on Teresa. I don't know how much of that I believe. But, that's what she's saying.

Kathy's family is always up to funny antics. They are the light part of the show. This season, we saw her develop her culinary treats and sell them to a company. She is now a bonafide pastry chef now. Her hubby, Rich, has been the usual quick-witted perv we all have grown to love/loathe. The kids aren't up to much. Victoria looked for colleges outside of NJ just to end up going somewhere locally anyway. My guess is the dorm rooms were a big discourager. Rosie came out to her niece and nephew during the show. That was a heart warming moment....despite the fact that the
WHOLE rest of the world knew this already. Shout out to Rosie for using Bravo to hunt for honeys!

Teresa has spent this whole season plugging her time on
The Apprentice and her
Fabulicious cookbooks. I should point out that these cookbooks are filled with recipes developed on the backs of sweaty, old Italian mamas and papas....none of which are Teresa Guidice. She admits that the recipes are her mothers, friends, and whoever else. So, kudos to all you do do birds buying this book knowing full well she ain't make up not a one of these recipes. You light up my life! Her girls have provided me with all kinds of entertainment this year...especially that Milania. I call her "Milaniac". That gal is 3 feet of honesty. She called her parents out every chance she got including blowing the whistle on Tre's hubby sleeping in his own room. She also said that her daddy never wants to see his kids. iDied!!!! Did you catch Joe in the vineyard talking to his "employee" and calling his wife a
"F***ing C***"?? Oh yeah, me neither. *looks other way like Teresa*

Melissa has been soaring to the top ever since her debut on the show. She has taken advantage of the spotlight by jump starting her music career. She's released
"On Display" and
"I Just Wanna Party" and they've done fairly well on iTunes. I, personally, do not care for Melissa's music, but I do like laughing at her and her frisky hubby, Joey Gorga. There kids are adorable, and according to Meliss, her house is paid for. All things that probably frustrates her sis-in-law, Tre. They haven't gotten along since Melissa and Joe were married. You can read past blogs for more detail on just how deep this bad blood goes. But, this finale show is probably the biggest indicator.

Teresa hooked up with NJ mess maker, Kim D. You've seen her. She looks like the
Pelican Brief by the face and is now wearing blonde weave....very becoming. The twosome visited a salon to get prepped for Kim D's annual fashion show. You remember....the one that has dreadful fashions, no name models, and terrible decor. These women fight at this fashion show every year. I don't even know why they keep going to this Dollar Tree production. Anywho, Kim D's friend, Bald Guy, showed up at the salon to tell Teresa that her sister in law is a former stripper. Teresa played dumb and asked him to please stop. Yet, BG showed up at the fashion show and greeted Melissa right out the gate. Melissa claimed that she knew him, but she didn't know him. The whole situation blew up with BG going around saying he set out to embarrass Melissa. Tre confronted Melissa on her past. This ignited a HUGE fight among family.
Joey G. was called. Text messages were being sent the entire time to Jacqueline, who informed Caroline, who talked bad about Teresa for the rest of the night. You see the pattern here?? My only comment for this whole thing is to wonder, "what does it matter anyway?". I really don't care if Melissa dropped it or not. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Tre did too. This is just disgusting and it shows just how immature Teresa is. She is guilty in my court of law. Point blank.
Next week begins the saga of reunion shows that I'm sure will entertain. I'm tuning in. How about you??
'Til next time....
xoxo, Christina Rose
(Photo Source: www.bravotv.com)
(Photo Source: www.priscillafromwasilla.com)
(Photo Source: www.cbsnews.com)